947/951 Carb engine counterbalance shaft chamber oil analysis
Trying to find out how to put 40ml motor oil into the counter balance gear chamber when the engine is in an angle.
According to the drawing I made, there is a channel for the oil to pass between the counter balance shaft camber and crank shaft counter by the two gears engaged together.
So is counter balance oil being transferred into the crank shaft chamber when the two gears running at a few thousand RPM?
And the counter balance gear chamber is not air tight because of the channel into the crank shaft chamber.
Also the oil is only good for the needle bearing beside the counter balance gear. What is lubricating the bigger bearings on the other side of the seals?
I am just a little confused here...
Edit: Also the combustion pressure is directly transferred into counter balance chamber too. So the 2 stroke oil/mist got there too. No wonder the oil smells a little like the spark plug

Another picture showing this:

I added the actually shape of the crank case. In the picture, the oil should go to the left of the gear too, which has a bigger space for the oil.