Nice day today. Trip was great! A lot of sale boats in the lake. Started at the dock, wife was asking how come you got so much smoke :-D
Yeah, it was from the 20mL oil
Started right away. idling at 1400RPM stable. (I did start the engine on the trailer before we left to minimize the surprises at the ramp)
Most of time at 5500RPM, speed from 25 to 30MPH depends on the wave condition and wind direction. 5000RPM is kind of low today, maybe I just used to "fast" :-D
It was jumping on the 1 to 1.5 feet of wave. Pretty bumpy.
Engine sounded all normal, similar to the last time.
I marked the oil tank before the trip, it did go down about 3/16".
I adjusted the oil alignment about 1/32" over the center line. Not sure if it is a smart move. The idea was to give a little bit more oil because of the low engine compression.
Just did 15ml per cylinder. I am loving the white smoke now :-D
One thing I noticed is the boat tends to go right, I had to hold it left to go straight. Not sure it was because of the wind. But I do need to check the steering system, because when I tested it on the trailer, turning to right was free, turning to left had some resistance or binding.
Exhaust blow out:
I did the blow out start in the drive way after driving it back home (25 minutes of driving), it started at 1500RPM for a few seconds, and then moved to 3000RPM. I have never seen this before.
Water in the bilge:
There is low level of water inside the bilge. It is too low for the bilge pump to pump it out. The bilge was dry. after the first trip, water got in there some how. and after today's trip water still there, level didn't change. Picture attached