The last post wins!

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It can't be in the's still sitting on my fork truck in my store...:rofl:

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I have some new pics that are avatar material. Will be showing in the next few weeks.

Just thought ya'll needed to know that!!!

P.S. My wife says I'm just a dirty old man, but I'm really a sexy senior citizen :lols:
Woke up to 0°c and light snow this morning...............:ack: Looks like the season may be officially over.

Oh man...I woke here today to 84*f and sunny...Draft Beer temp is 34*f, if that makes you feel any better.:rofl: :ack:

Winter season of cooler temps is here too. The water is like 84*f still.

I have some new pics that are avatar material. Will be showing in the next few weeks.

Just thought ya'll needed to know that!!!

P.S. My wife says I'm just a dirty old man, but I'm really a sexy senior citizen :lols:

hey uncle jesse, i made some of that salsa you gave me the recipe for last week. it was superb! i made 2 batches 1 mild and 1 hot (for me). both of them are great. thanks for the recipe.
hey uncle jesse, i made some of that salsa you gave me the recipe for last week. it was superb! i made 2 batches 1 mild and 1 hot (for me). both of them are great. thanks for the recipe.

I'm glad you like it. I'm always glad to help out. :hurray:

Woke up to 0°c and light snow this morning...............:ack: Looks like the season may be officially over.


Man, that's a bummer. We had a cool front come through this past week. It went from the 90's to the 70's pretty fast. And the dry air was a big welcome to get this humid air outta here.............:cheers:
Oh The Pain...

I broke a molar in my mouth in like 4 pieces in the last 2 weeks. The last part broke off a week ago Sunday. I went to the dentist last Wednesday and the dentist said I was lucky, as it just needed to be built up on the existing core still there, and a crown added. So all goes well and a temp crown is installed. A new gold one due on the 12th. Friday the tooth is starting to be a bit sensitive so Tylonal is on my the pain is making my hair hurt...see the dentist and it needs a root cannel on next Monday and then it gets crowned a week after that...needless to say antibiotics and vicodin is on the menu now. I never took vicodin before...and maybe Tylonal 3 times in my life...once the last time I got a root cannel and crown.

I just thought I'd share my experience with everyone...or maybe it's just the drugs giving me happy fingers and the urge to share...:ack: :rofl:

Happy Happy Karl :)
Oh man!! Walked a mile in your shoes! know the pain well. All I can say is "git er dun"

I did have some ibprofin with codine once it made my head spin like a top.:(
remember when you were a kid at the dinner table and your mother said to finish all your milk...........

I used to drink lots of milk as a kid. I think the problem is NO fluoride in the water from my home town of Albany, N.Y. My 2nd dentist used to give me extra Fluoride treatments at age 18 trying to make up for it. My parents used to make sure we brushed & flossed, and got dental visits every 6 months 4 kids in the family...I always had cavities. I didn't eat much sweets, soda or Ice cream either growing up, except like Halloween or Easter for a couple days. Got me hanging...My kids have perfect teeth now 16 and 19, and both had braces too and never a cavity. We have Fluoride in the water here.

my season officially ended this weekend, :( the boat and skis are out of the water and covered for the winter.:(:(:(
It just seems like the season isn't long enough up north...that's why I moved south. I feel your pain, I lived in upstate N.Y. till 1996.

I know...let's all go down to florida and move in with Karl. Then we can jet ski every day and drive Karl and His family nuts!!!!:rofl:
When Karl throws us out we can go on over to Snipes house and drive Him bonkers, as well!!!!

What a GREAT winter project!

Damn...sometimes I amaze even myself!!
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Oh, you funny man...Now you sound like my relatives visiting in the winter. :ack: :rofl:

I know...let's all go down to florida and move in with Karl. Then we can jet ski every day and drive Karl and His family nuts!!!!:rofl:
When Karl throws us out we can go on over to Snipes house and drive Him bonkers, as well!!!!

What a GREAT winter project!

Damn...sometimes I amaze even myself!!

To Quote an Oldie but Goodie (Animal House) "ROAD TRIP"
Count me in!!! I got a big tent I can bring.

Karl, is your wife a good cook ? :rofl:
Heck NO!...I'm the cook in the house...I got a Beer tap / Tiki Bar next to my bbq too... :rofl:

I am really not ADD...Look!! there goes a bunny...what was I saying??
Oh yeah road trip to Karls house. I'm doing the grilling. :lols:
Hey I'm game for another Meet and Greet at my house...I can park 20 boat trailers in my yard. Let me know what's a good date and we'll plan it...2 Hotels just down the street from my house too, if we do an overnight party.

Relief is on it's way this weekend here in the sunshine state... COOL front coming in from the north... so the 94* temps should be gone till June. :hurray:

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