We knew sooner or later it would have valve troubles but did not expect at 175 hours. I changed the oil once a season and heavily fogged it in the winter but it did not help.
The 2006 and earlier heads have the hollow valves which crack. Did they start using an improved version of the hollow valve in 2007 or are they now solid?
If solid valves, what year did they start using them? I am looking for durability, not speed. This is a family craft so my adult sons share it. Might consider a buying a clean 2005 head and converting to solid valves if they still use hollow.
My understanding is I can use a later model head providing I use the later rocker and pull out the oil restrictor shown in the picture below. Sea Dood (Sea Dood) provided a lot of input in a previous post. Cylinder Head Exchange
Will the heads from any year 2004 through 2017 fit this block?
Are all OEM heads from 1855, 215, 230, 255 and 260 compatible with my set up providing I do what Sea Dood stated above?
Need a head, piston and rod. Block is good. Will use stock piston and rod but re-ring all pistons, new bearings and seals.
Anything else I need to know? Over the past 40+ years I have rebuilt a lot of car engines but never a Seadoo engine.
Thank you!

The 2006 and earlier heads have the hollow valves which crack. Did they start using an improved version of the hollow valve in 2007 or are they now solid?
If solid valves, what year did they start using them? I am looking for durability, not speed. This is a family craft so my adult sons share it. Might consider a buying a clean 2005 head and converting to solid valves if they still use hollow.
My understanding is I can use a later model head providing I use the later rocker and pull out the oil restrictor shown in the picture below. Sea Dood (Sea Dood) provided a lot of input in a previous post. Cylinder Head Exchange
Will the heads from any year 2004 through 2017 fit this block?
Are all OEM heads from 1855, 215, 230, 255 and 260 compatible with my set up providing I do what Sea Dood stated above?
Need a head, piston and rod. Block is good. Will use stock piston and rod but re-ring all pistons, new bearings and seals.
Anything else I need to know? Over the past 40+ years I have rebuilt a lot of car engines but never a Seadoo engine.
Thank you!

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