Karl, how high is your lift getting the boat out of the water, and how does your channel rise in relation to the storm surge?
I know most of the homes on the channels here will pretty much get whatever surge the coast gets, because they are really close to the coast...just not sure where yours is, since I think you said it was fresh water
Personally, I enjoy hurricanes. It is a guaranteed day or three off of work.
They bring the family together since my folks show up at my house inland 30 miles. They live ON the beach in one of those houses on stilts about 3' above sea level, so a 4' surge, which is pretty common even with a mild storm, puts all of their property under water.
I do NOT enjoy the preparation for the storm. Everyone acts like idiots, and some of us have serious stuff to take care of, like boarding windows, moving low-lying property to higher areas (lawn mowers, washer and dryer, cars, etc.). I end up doing all of this for my parents, then loading all of their food and personal stuff into my truck to take it to my house where we have a much better chance of faring through the storm.
Prep for my house is easy. Make sure all gas tanks are full, boat is at work (inside a garage another 30 miles inland and much higher elevation), jet ski is at my house, fridge is full (of beer), etc. I have the wood cut and use plylocks to quickly snap them onto the windows if need be, but have only had to do this once. Generator is on standby so our fridge (and beer) stay cool, and we can still have lights, fans, TV, computers, fish tanks, etc. and live in relative comfort (but no A/C :ack

Anyway, Karl and all you Florida guys, take care and stay out of harm's way :cheers: