I had a similar problem with my 97SPX. I had the 787 motor, but the problem I had is common to all two strokes: I had a case leak. The engine was sucking air from around the Rotary Valve seal. You may have a leak in a number of gaskets/seals, which would give you a lean hesitation when you go to hit the throttle. To test for this, you need a block-off kit and a way to pump and measure air pressure of your engine. It's a pretty involved procedure, basically you block off all places where air can escape your motor (intake, exhaust, RAVES(if you have em)), and then you pump the engine full of air to about 10psi. It should hold that pressure. If you run it lean, it can be very detrimental to your engine. You can check for a lean condition by checking the plugs. They will be very light in color. You could also be running rich, which would give the plugs a very dark color. You want a nice brown on the plug insulator.