Relocate Pee Tell Tale

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I ride 2 YAMA also. My nephews 1100 has a hole on the deck in the back that shoots water straight up. There is a tube that connects to it, it attaches to the jet tube after the pump. This is different from the adjustable trim option that's also on this ski.
It looks really neat.
That's kinda what I thought. It just seams to me that I would rather have the extra thrust = speed than the rooster tail. Thanks guys.

Looks good guys. Where could you mount this on a boat to see it? Just wonering if that would be a good thing for one.
Anyone else have a problem with posts that disappear ?? I've responded twice to this already.


Looks good guys. Where could you mount this on a boat to see it? Just wonering if that would be a good thing for one.

I first thought about it with my boat. I hated crawling over the deck lid to see if I was pumping.

If I was going to mount it in a boat... I would put it just under the rub rail, by the hand controls. That way you can just look over the edge to see if it's pee'ing.

Doc, those annodized ones come back yet?

Nope. I gave them a call today, and they got hung up with one of their big customers... so my little batch got put on the back burner. I'll probably have them back in the next few days. As soon as I get them... I will post some pics.
My engine cooling water out line goes thru hull on the side near the back. I can easily see and feel the temps of the water when running. (also fills up the side with warm water when idliing around.. handy for them COLD days)
Hi guys........

Here you go... now in colors. Also... since people were asking what to do with the open fitting... they are now shipped with a plug for the old hole.

The Price will be $10 + shipping. ($3 for first class, and $5.50 for Postal priority)


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Thanks Doc, did wife's today at lunch.

It looks like a steady stream in real life but the camera said no.

She seemed upset when I told her I was going to post her pee hole online. Told her I would explain later.
Thanks Doc, did wife's today at lunch.

It looks like a steady stream in real life but the camera said no.

She seemed upset when I told her I was going to post her pee hole online. Told her I would explain later.

that stream looks a little weak, might want to take her in to get her plumbing checked.
graphic idea

Doc, I just got an idea for a graphic. Can you make a graphic of a little boy to fit below the pee hole. Like one of those peeing statues. That would be pretty funny.
Thanks Doc, did wife's today at lunch.

It looks like a steady stream in real life but the camera said no.

She seemed upset when I told her I was going to post her pee hole online. Told her I would explain later.

You need to get Tony to make you some new registration number. He make some for me there's a picture a page back or so.



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You need to get Tony to make you some new registration number. He make some for me there's a picture a page back or so.


I did for XP I have been working on all 6 pwc's and I quit. I am just doing one at a time from now on. But I already had the pee holes so went ahead and did her's since she had a dirt dobber stop it up. We got 5 running atm. After I get mine going I will start making them all pretty.
This is a bad spot btw, doen't bother me but when running down the river the wind sprays the water on your leg and it runs up and hits you in the face...and it is warm and makes you have to pee. Wife road sidesaddle yesterday because of it. I should have put it right next to the seam. I put it there because there was a chip in that spot.

FYI on the newer models seadoo puts them on the port (left) side, just ahead of the foot well, below the rub rail. That's where I put mine.



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Maybe I can glue a straw in it so it will stick out further... or better yet cut a nob off of an old tire and make a wedge where it points more downward. I will come up with something.
I'm making a new entry on this old thread because I think it's still a good idea and some of the newer guys here have not seen it. So anyway here's the idea and the solution that Dr Honda has.

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