Relocate Pee Tell Tale

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Anybody with any experience with mounting it on a X4 style hull out of the existing right side battery vent line hole, good or bad?

Kawi put a plastic water bypass outlet WBO, (aka on Sea Doos as a Cooling System Bleed Outllet CSBO located at the rear of SD's), on the right front side above the rubber railing (above the "T" on my logo Bea"t") that is angled to enable water to flow to the rear of the craft.

For those who may not know, the bypass outlet lets you know that water is, or is not circulating and if not, gives advance notice the engine may overheat from lack of water.

On another note, every time a Yami passes me and I see the six foot stream of water exiting from the rear it makes me wonder, how is that done? Does anyone know how Yami designed that? Is it Yami's bypass outlet or a device to warn others that a Yami is nearby?
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Kawi put a plastic pisser that is angled to the rear, thus enabling the water from the pisser to flow on the side of the PWC.

I have to admit that the pissers Doc is making look bitchin.

On another note, I know everyone has seen the six foot stream exiting Yami's from the rear. Does anyone know how Yami designed their pissers to achieves such a long stream?

the Yamaha models have a visibility spout that shoots out the back, its not the pisser, its a safety thing so you can see them at a distance all they do is redirect a little water out of the pump for that effect, it can also be easily disconnected.
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later model SeaDoo's put the tell-tale on the left front side just in front of the footwell, that's where we came up with the idea to move it, if you had read the thread you would have known this.

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I was able to find a possible answer to the question I posted about the Yami Rooster Tail and in doing so it appears I was inadvertently covering two separate topics: 1) IMO, a bitchin looking feature on a PWC; and 2) a cooling system issue!

With respect to the Yami Rooster Tail, my research revealed it has nothing to do with cooling, or the bypass outlet. What Yami appears to have done was install some type of deflector tube that diverts a small amount of the pump discharge up into the air. It appears the deflector tube is tapped into the exit nozzle.

The other day I talked to some owners of other brands who added a similar tube by tapping into the exit nozzle, or simply added a make-shift bracket to hold a 45 degree copper elbow in the edge of the discharge flow.

The device may degrade performance, however, I think any degradation would fall below the threshold of any concern. Take that bit of opinion with a grain of salt because as can seen from many of my posts/Threads, I am definitely no mechanic.

In closing, IMO there are only a couple reasons to make the Yami Rooster Tail modification: the first, like in my case and others who have written about the mod, to keep the "significant other" or kids happy because they think it is bitchin,', or to see another rider on the River. I've read that it is poor etiquette to land on another PWC-er.

There were a ton of rentals on the River last weekend and it was not uncommon to have a newbie (I had another name in mind for them, but, the wife has me holding back from swearing) drive by me within a foot or so. Scary!
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If you divert a small amount for a "Tail"... you wont' be bleeding off enough pressure to make a difference.

As I recall... my last Yamaha had about a 3/16" hole in the tail spout. You can just drill and tap a fitting into the "Bowl" of the pump nozzle.
Not to be disrespectful to Yamaha owners, but some of us SeaDoo owners refer to the water spouts as "gay tails".

That modification may be my winter project Doc when I put my PWC's away in October. On that note, maybe the wiser course of acition would be to simply concentrate on winterizing the engines, fiber-glassing the dings in the hulls so I don't have to spend a ton of hours next May doing what I should have done in now or in October.

I am glad my parents moved away from Tamaqua when I was a kid so I could enjoy more months of summer.
Can I presume that before water gets to the Cooling System Bleed Outlets (CSBO) aka water bypass outlet (WBO), it first enters the jet pump where it is forced to the exhaust pipe, then flows through the WBO/CSBO? If that is the case, then, if water is not flowing through the CSBO/WBO, is a possible problem a clogged water jacket? If that is so, then, to remedy the problem the exhaust pipe must come off, right?

Where else could such a problem arise other than a clogged water jacket, CSBO/WBO hose or outlet?
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Can I presume that before waters gets to the water bypass outlet (WBO), it first enters the jet pump where it is forced to the exhaust pipe, then flows through the WBO? If that is the case, then, if water is not flowing through the WBO, is a possible problem a clogged water jacket? If that is so, then, to remedy the problem the exhaust pipe must come off, right?

Where else could such a problem arise other than a clogged water jacket, WBO hose or outlet?

if you guys can come up with a way to make a roostertail, i would be greatful, i think its bitchin' too lol
Hey Schmiddty, almost two years to the day while walking into a local Sea Doo dealership to purchase some parts for my 93 GTX's I noticed a couple GTX's exactly like yours for sale. I figured a newer hull, upgraded electronics, PLUS the much larger gas tank would make my summer river runs more enjoyable. Had the dealer not wanted an arm, let and a nut for them ($7800.00 with a brand new Zeiman) I would have purchased them rather than the Kawi's I bought a few days later.

Anyway, to make a short tale long, my Kawi's, with about the same size gas tank as yours (mine has a gallon less), there is almost zero difference in distance traveled between the 93 GTX (8.7 gals) to the ones I bought. I get about 3-4 hours at 1/2 throttle. My Olds SUV gets much better gas mileage, even with the two PWC's on the back, 595 lbs each plus about another 600 lbs for the Zeiman trailer.

How many hours do you get to a tank, going 1/2 throttle or less? Have you encountered any problems with your GTX's?

Except for a defective starter switch on one of my Kawi's, they have been good to me. I also enjoy not having to use the low ash API oil that Sea Doo's require and although I can use any TCW oil, on the advice of Doc Honda I use a blend so my engines will last longer.
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Im going to be totally honest here, i have only had mine for about a month and a half, when i had the motor in it , it ran around 60 mph and was a blast even on rough water, and as for the giant 15gal tank , it lasts me about 6 hours riding around at half throttle. usually though, i go from doing geforces and jumping wake to WOT and dont spend much time at half throttle.only in the channels up at the island do i have to go half . other than that , its built well , has the reliable 787 and all the amenities. i had to fix the fuel sender (float didnt float). and replace the motor (previous owner abused the hell out of it) and its really stable! if you want a reliable old ski , this is the one , just remember , it has raves , so you NEEED good API TC oil. just run amsoil intercepter and it will treat you nice. Oh and yeah , replace every line it it , oil lines, fuel lines , cooling lines, injector lines. its just nice to have that piece of mind.

so yeah , i took a short story and made it long lol.
Wow! Six hours on a tank. You bought a great PWC because before I bought my Kawi's I got looked at the tech data for your machine which reflected 1hr 8 minutes at WOT on a tank. My 14 gal at WOT reflects 1 hr 9 min. My Kawi's have 3 carbs, so, comparing the tech data between both machines my Kawi's are doing better.

Evey time I see your 96's on the water or this Forum I often wonder, did I make the wise decision buying the Kawi's. I was not about to spend almost eight grand for a couple Doo's that were thirteen years old.

Myself having compiled a ton of research on oil for my 93 GTX's, you are definitely right that the Doo's require a good API TC oil, and not the Wal Mart stuff. When I use my 93 GTX's I use QuickSilver PWC.

I am getting off the topic for this Thread, so, I best get back on task or shut the heck up. Stay kool,
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I don't mind banter... but this is a thread on relocating the pee-hole. Please keep it on subject.

These seem like a cool idea.

Curious if anyone has used the battery vent hole on an X4 with success....
Sorry to get off topic again, Surfbeat, my ski will go 1hr 6min at WOT for a full tank, but just stay out of it and the tank will last all day lol
hey krispy,,i use the battery vent as my pee hole on the 95xp i just built,,but,it didnt work at first.inside the fitting at the hull,i found a rubber disc,like a check valve,stopping the flow,,so i took it out,glued it back together n it works great. docs look way cooler though.
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