Movie Trivia

second clue -

You know how I used to tell you about Van Buren scoring that touchdown back in '48?

I know. That touchdown got me through 30 years at that factory. Got me through all those times your mother being sick. When I told you not to get your hopes up... didn't mean that I wasn't.
last clue, come on man, was a pretty good movie --

u mind if i ask u how old u are ???
coach, u mind if ask u how old u are ????
that last movie was one based on a true story, coach had public tryouts, etc ----

new movie

Monty, this is Hackensack, NJ. No scout comes here, you understand that. Trains are going through the outfield right now. But you strike this guy out, I'll take you with me tonight and get you drunk, that's a promise.
another clue

When I was seven years old, my daddy caught me smoking a cigar. Locked me in a broom closet for two days and two nights with nothing more than a box of cigars and a book of matches.
last clue

No food, Brewster. No water, just those god damn cigars. Wouldn't let me out till I finished every last one of them. Taught me one HELL of a lesson! I'm gonna do to you what my daddy did to me. I'm gonna teach you to HATE spending money. I'm gonna make you so sick of spending money that the mere sight of it will make you wanna throw up!
well all, was brewsters millions, - you guys do have cable , right ????

next one

You know what really chaps my ass though? I spent my life savings turning my van into a dog. The alarm alone cost me two hundred.
watched it last night, and the night before and last week on my rabbit ears - animal house, but jake, haint u supposed to answer the last one first ?????
yea Tater, but the previous one was 3 weeks old. Just wanted to revive the thread. Ole Griz let it go stale. He ain't on top a things like you is :)
well all, was brewsters millions, - you guys do have cable , right ????

next one

You know what really chaps my ass though? I spent my life savings turning my van into a dog. The alarm alone cost me two hundred.

Dumb and Dumber

' What we have here is a total lack of respect for the law' and 'There is no way you are the fruit of my loins'
Dumb and Dumber

' What we have here is a total lack of respect for the law' and 'There is no way you are the fruit of my loins'

Smokey and the Bandit

"Goddammit Cookie, move your ass, I want my TWELVE!"
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men of honor, of course

Well, if you can remove the sexual overtones and add a golf theme, then Romeo, I am your Juliet.

Well, so am I! I mean, look at me, all right, what I'm wearing. I mean, I'm playing for Rio Grande Short-Haul Trucking, Briggs and Brown Sanitation, First State Bank of Salome, Woody's Smokehouse... You think a... you think a guy like me bothers to worry about the percentages?
Tin Cup

Next One: "Listen um, bring a single malted glen gary for me and one for my boy Mikey here. And if you tell the bartender to go easy on the water then this fifty cent peice has your name written all over it. Ok, I want you to run along because I'll be timing you. I'm gonna keep time: One, two, three, four..."
that would be SWINGERS -- next up

I am your dam guide, Arnie, please don't wander off the dam tour and please take all the dam pictures you want. Now are there any dam questions? Yeah, where can I get some damn bait?
National Lampoons Vegas Vacation

"Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up Cameron's ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond."
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ferris buellers day off

There are three rules when dealing with a deadly crocodile. Rule number one, I'm number one. Rule number two, the croc's number two

Well, I was born without the top of my skull and I guess a little bit of my brains was showin' and it was grossin' everybody out so my mom put this wig on me to cover it up and then the bones grew together and it got all infused and entwined. I mean I don't mean to get all scientific with you...
That had to be Joe Dirt.

Next One: "Hold on. My mom's sending me a text message. No way! We're having macaroni tonight! That means garlic bread! Yes! Awesome!"
thats the benchwarmers --

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray... And this paddle game. - The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control. - The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need... And these matches. - The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddle ball... And this lamp. - The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The paddle game and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.
The Jerk

Next One: "I got a question, if you guys know so much about women how come you're here at like a Gas & Sip on a Saturday night, completely alone, drinking beers, no women anywhere?"
ah oh, say anything, u got us on this one before, i looked back, it was post 519 --- so - u get to re-post lol

thats a real cool homepage you have, how u do that ?????
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