Good day everyone. I have read these forums a lot, but I am now a member and my first post.
I have a technical question regarding a supercharger rebuild on my 2009 SeaDoo 230 Wake (twin jets). I recently took it to a local SeaDoo shop for a new port side starter relay after intermittently not starting and decided to get the superchargers rebuilt as I was not sure if it ever had been done (bought it at 170 hours and took it in with 196 hours).
After getting the boat back from the dealer, I immediately noticed the port engine increasingly had higher RPMS than the starboard engine depending on throttle. It was about the same at idle, and would climb up to a 700 RPM difference as I throttled more. (I remember that one side was often slightly higher than the other previously but nothing major, and it fluctuated, so I attributed it to weight distribution due to passengers.) Then, about 30 minutes of driving later, the port side started cavitating at higher RPMs. I took it back to the dealership wondering if it was a coincidence or related to the supercharger rebuild. They told me that could not be related to the rebuild and then proceeded to diagnose.
They eventually told me the reason it was cavitating was that my port side impeller was bent at an edge and that I needed to replace both impellers so that they match for $1500 (the guy I bought it from put some aftermarket stainless steel impellers on it, so it was not OEM).
I didn't want to drop another $1500 as I researched and found that you can get impellers replaced for a LOT less, and i took it back to the guy I bought it from (he has a pontoon dealership and jet ski/boat rental business with full service shop). He saw no damage to the impeller (he said they still looked brand new and wondered if I had even driven it much...) He even switched the impellers, and cavitation stayed on the port side, therefore eliminating a bent impeller as the cavitation cause.
He suspects the drive shaft seal, and has that on order, so that is where we are at with it, but I wanted to reach out to all of the experts here and ask the following:
A) is there any possible way that a SC rebuild or the work involved with it can cause or lead to cavitation? If so, I don't know if I really want to take it back to the SeaDoo dealership, as I am not sure I trust them, as they did not correctly diagnose the problem AND apparently didn't even inspect the impellers correctly (they told me they needed to replace both since they didn't know the make of the impellers, but I learned that they are stamped so that they COULD know that...)
B) has anyone experienced anything similar or have any suggestions on what could be causing the cavitation. FYI, both places said the wear rings looked good, so its not that either.
Anyway, I wanted to get another opinion from an objective third party if there was any thing that could be done wrong or incorrectly during a SC rebuild could cause cavitation at high RPMs.
I look forward to everyone's infinite wisdom!

I have a technical question regarding a supercharger rebuild on my 2009 SeaDoo 230 Wake (twin jets). I recently took it to a local SeaDoo shop for a new port side starter relay after intermittently not starting and decided to get the superchargers rebuilt as I was not sure if it ever had been done (bought it at 170 hours and took it in with 196 hours).
After getting the boat back from the dealer, I immediately noticed the port engine increasingly had higher RPMS than the starboard engine depending on throttle. It was about the same at idle, and would climb up to a 700 RPM difference as I throttled more. (I remember that one side was often slightly higher than the other previously but nothing major, and it fluctuated, so I attributed it to weight distribution due to passengers.) Then, about 30 minutes of driving later, the port side started cavitating at higher RPMs. I took it back to the dealership wondering if it was a coincidence or related to the supercharger rebuild. They told me that could not be related to the rebuild and then proceeded to diagnose.
They eventually told me the reason it was cavitating was that my port side impeller was bent at an edge and that I needed to replace both impellers so that they match for $1500 (the guy I bought it from put some aftermarket stainless steel impellers on it, so it was not OEM).
I didn't want to drop another $1500 as I researched and found that you can get impellers replaced for a LOT less, and i took it back to the guy I bought it from (he has a pontoon dealership and jet ski/boat rental business with full service shop). He saw no damage to the impeller (he said they still looked brand new and wondered if I had even driven it much...) He even switched the impellers, and cavitation stayed on the port side, therefore eliminating a bent impeller as the cavitation cause.
He suspects the drive shaft seal, and has that on order, so that is where we are at with it, but I wanted to reach out to all of the experts here and ask the following:
A) is there any possible way that a SC rebuild or the work involved with it can cause or lead to cavitation? If so, I don't know if I really want to take it back to the SeaDoo dealership, as I am not sure I trust them, as they did not correctly diagnose the problem AND apparently didn't even inspect the impellers correctly (they told me they needed to replace both since they didn't know the make of the impellers, but I learned that they are stamped so that they COULD know that...)
B) has anyone experienced anything similar or have any suggestions on what could be causing the cavitation. FYI, both places said the wear rings looked good, so its not that either.
Anyway, I wanted to get another opinion from an objective third party if there was any thing that could be done wrong or incorrectly during a SC rebuild could cause cavitation at high RPMs.
I look forward to everyone's infinite wisdom!