Movie Trivia

Bad Santa or the unrated version called Badder Santa.

Next One: "We will pass through the American patrols, past their SONAR nets, and lay off their largest city and listen to their "rock 'n' roll" while we conduct missle drills."
so u like sean connery, hunt for red october, oldy and goody
and heres another oldy
My asshole brother bought her back in September '57. That's when you got your new model year, in September. Brand-new, she was. She had the smell of a brand-new car. That's just about the finest smell in the world, 'cept maybe for p_ _ _ _ _
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sat for couple days, second clue
Maybe we can work out some kind of deal... Why don't you sweep up around the place... do a few lubes... put the toilet paper on the little spools, shit like that. Do that and you can raid my junk pile for whatever you want. I might even throw in a few bucks
I knew it was Christine, but I was not able to log in.

Next One in the Holiday Spirit: Santa: "There are like 30 Ray's Pizzas. They all claim to be the original but the real one's on 11th." "And if you see a sign that says 'Peep Show', that doesn't mean that they're letting you look at presents before christmas."
that would be elf,
next one

think we should go into town tomorrow and pick up a ski boat. Whaddya say? Sound good, guys? Uncle Roman'll blow some coin on a kick-ass drag boat!
that's John Candy where the 2 familes rent the cabin with the bears. hotdogs are just lips and assholes. goin blank on the move name, got to cypher on it a minute
Do know what's gonna be here? Right here? A lake. As far as the eyes can see. Hundreds of feet deep. HUNDREDS of feet deep. Did you ever look out over a lake and think of somethin' buried underneath it? Buried underneath it. Well man, that's just about as buried as you can get.

Me and my buddy here are taking a canoe trip down the Cahulawassee. We'd like our cars to be down in Aintry when we get there. Be there about Sunday noon.
Fair enough ...

"This is Ohio. I mean, if you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress."

This is a tough one imo .. the woman had it on tv the other night.
Are you guys not up to speed on the ol' skool chick flicks! LoL (didn't think anybody would respond to this one even if they did know it!)
I held off replying, but that was Heathers. Ahhh, Winona Ryder..

I'm sticking with the holiday spirit...

Next One: "Uh, 'Fra-gee-lay.' That must be Italian."
"I think that says 'fragile', honey."
"Oh, yeah."
Planes trains and automobiles!

Keepin' with xmas spirit:

"Keep the change .... yah filthy animal!"