Florida Classifieds

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You running out of seats Matt? Last few you posted had some nice seats on them. I've got a junk one or two lying around if you need em
I have a couple seats and cheap Black Tip covers but they are gonna take me a minute. I can get the heavy foam dried out quickly on these sunny days, I just need to do it. This Jettrim cover came from Zuminzax for $20 because he was having a new version made. The last one had a hump seat on it though and it was hard to loose that. I just wanted to get it out there for sale a day earlier. It does not feel right to not have an offering out there. I feel like people are always driving past me to pay more for a lesser ski because they just don't know.

Not sure if you guys remember that SPX with the yellow Duct tape seat but that Jettrim is it. The cover was thick enough to go right over the tape and you can't tell.
I sold it to him cheap because I didn't like the way it ran. I think it had a repaired sponson and the bottom was rubbed pretty good. If I knew it was that one I may not have bid so hi but oh well. He did get a long ride out of it before it blew and bought a newer PWC so it turned another on to the sport. I'll fix it and throw it back out there.
Tempted http://pensacola.craigslist.org/boa/5698599494.html

Shooting in your town Spim. I hope you didn't know any of those folks.

never saw anything like that, too weird for me.

ohh... the shooting,,, I was confused, ya, it was a night club in town that's on the other side of the tracks, I don't think I would fit in very well there, I think it was just a couple of gangbanger wanna bee's that had it out in the parking lot, of course more innocents hurt..ugh.

Picked up two gtx's today, 96 and 97 on a double for $600, garage quickly went into overflow mode, stuff now in the back yard... ugh and I'm working the next 6 days.

I'm leaving Sarasota in the morning I haven't looked at cl the whole time down here I would probably go home with a truck load if I did

I haven't looked either, yet I've bought 3 this past week lol, I have friends that text me listings all the dam time, found the last two on barter kings/facebook, buddy sent me a screenshot.
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I'm leaving Sarasota in the morning I haven't looked at cl the whole time down here I would probably go home with a truck load if I did
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