I have to say my most miserable Bastid award goes to my current project 1996 Seadoo Speedster boat. It is at the top of my list because I don't like working on boats so it is an enigma why I even bought it. You can't get to parts without hanging over the side, and this SOB had too many idiots working on it before I ever touched it. Most skis need everything and that's what I do straight away. Being a twin engine boat this bastid needed everything TWICE.
I wish it could tell me its story.
My most miserable Jet ski was a 2004 GTI RFI that I installed an engine I rebuilt 2 years earlier. Maybe 20 hours on the ski. This project was a bad start from the beginning but it snuck up on me.
I replaced a starter for the gentleman and after I got the ski started it sounded terrible but ran good. I thought briefly about how long the engine would last. When the owner came to pick up the ski I started the ski, it ran fine then quit and wouldn't start. I told him I'd take a look. After a week and about 10 hours labor (free labor) I offered to buy the ski from him for almost what he paid for it 2 years prior. I figured, can't be much wrong with it, I just built the engine. Ha ha. If it had been day time my initial troubleshooting might have been successful.
When I removed the Rotary Valve cover, the valve came off the shaft. I was trying to verify the position (maybe gear damage??)
So I just retimed the engine in the dark fighting mosquitos. Every now and then it would start for a second. I spent another 20 hours easy checking everything, replacing parts (I have spare everything) "No Joy" I decided to pull the engine and.... there ya go... rotary valve, which I checked the shaft during inspection "The gear shaft was a little worn cuz there was a tad more play than I like to see." The engine likely stopped at the only spot on the gear that was left. I am now a freakin guru on the RFI.
Then after I repair the engine everything should be great right? I notice the charging plug is getting hot during my test ride and break-in. So back to troubleshooting. Don't you know the dang MPEM is bad now??
I had a spare and all was well. Gotta love the adventure. 
What happened to the engine to cause that? Somebody put gasoline in the oil tank and didn't drain and flush that tank or rotary valve oil reservoir. I think they guy needed the money so I'm not displeased about it all. This is a hobby for me anyway. I enjoy it.
The Menace

My most miserable Jet ski was a 2004 GTI RFI that I installed an engine I rebuilt 2 years earlier. Maybe 20 hours on the ski. This project was a bad start from the beginning but it snuck up on me.

What happened to the engine to cause that? Somebody put gasoline in the oil tank and didn't drain and flush that tank or rotary valve oil reservoir. I think they guy needed the money so I'm not displeased about it all. This is a hobby for me anyway. I enjoy it.
The Menace

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