RESTO Double trouble: 97 & 98 XP

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Ongoing process lol. Don't have the time I once did, but it's getting there. The 97 runs when I add fuel directly, gotta figure out why it's not pulling fuel

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Ongoing process lol. Don't have the time I once did, but it's getting there. The 97 runs when I add fuel directly, gotta figure out why it's not pulling fuel

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Check the side of the Carb for pulse? Im pretty sure there is a plastic diaphragm in the mag side carb that pumps the fuel, it might be in wrong or something. trickle some gas in and see if its sucking. If not, then thats why she wont draw fuel. You didn't spray the check valves in there with carb cleaner did you? I think it might distort them.

Your so close!!
I had a problem with my 96 GTX losing prime. Cleaned carbs not much help. Instead of rebuilding, I found 2 almost new carbs on Ebay for $120 and just put them on. The rebuild kits are not much less and might not work. Fired it up and the bogging and loss of prime was gone. I must have went out riding 5 times adjusting the old carbs before I gave up. Next time I know what I will do. Might be the fastest fix after you rule out any tank or spark issues.
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Considered it, have been looking on ebay. Just gotta hope that whoever is selling then is honest about how clean they are, or I'm man to square one lol
I found the newest looking ones I could at a reasonable price. Might take a week or 2. Winter is a good time for a good price. Make sure they are from a running ski with low hours. Good luck.
Tossed together another cart this morning out of some wood I had laying around. Trying to get both skis on carts and get the trailer out the garage to free up some space and also start work on fixing the trailer. Didn't have any carpet so gonna use foam for a quick fix.

Tossed together another cart this morning out of some wood I had laying around. Trying to get both skis on carts and get the trailer out the garage to free up some space and also start work on fixing the trailer. Didn't have any carpet so gonna use foam for a quick fix.


My wife would beat me if I dragged that into my living room!

Any headway on the fuel pump?

I can pull one of my carbs apart and send a pic if it would help you identify the problem.
I took off the fuel pump yesterday to make sure I rebuilt it correctly and also checked the fuel lines. Everything looked good, even the pulse had premix in it (assuming it's from the fuel I added manually). I removed the fuel filter I had on, even primed it with my mouth....I'm stumped

Unfortunately my house got hit with a stomach virus yesterday afternoon....cut my day short! Still recuperating so not much will get done today.

Side note: after I put the seat back on, it seems to be sitting a little high and the hood is hitting the seat when I try and close it. Do you have to compress the seat in order to get the outer boot on, thus keeping it slightly compressed and lower?

Racer, for now it's just gonna stay in the garage until I return from my upcoming deployment....I don't trust my wife lol but thanks for the good tip
I took off the fuel pump yesterday to make sure I rebuilt it correctly and also checked the fuel lines. Everything looked good, even the pulse had premix in it (assuming it's from the fuel I added manually). I removed the fuel filter I had on, even primed it with my mouth....I'm stumped

Unfortunately my house got hit with a stomach virus yesterday afternoon....cut my day short! Still recuperating so not much will get done today.

Side note: after I put the seat back on, it seems to be sitting a little high and the hood is hitting the seat when I try and close it. Do you have to compress the seat in order to get the outer boot on, thus keeping it slightly compressed and lower?

Racer, for now it's just gonna stay in the garage until I return from my upcoming deployment....I don't trust my wife lol but thanks for the good tip

Pulse shouldn't have fuel in it at all. At least I have never seen one. I'm guessing its pulling it right through the valves. If that fuel pump was working, then you would be getting fuel to the carbs. The pulse is a negative pressure tug on the line, should be a light push/pull, it shouldn't pull fuel up into it. You gotta be careful about that too, because if it is puling fuel through the fuel pump into the pulse line that motor could run away on you and lean out and you wouldn't be able to shut it down.

I hear you about the stomach bug, I haven't gotten that yet, but I feel like train hit me today as well. Doesn't help that the wind chill here is -25.

I will post some pics of a fuel pump on and old set of carbs I got. Just as a comparison.

Im not sure I understand what you mean about the seat, but I dont believe you have to compress it, at least not much more than sitting on it.
Ok now you got me 2nd guessing even the most menial seadoo task lol it's o-ring, rubber gasket, fuel pump, o-ring, diaphragm, hard gasket, pulse correct? It's a brand new kit, can't imagine the gasket is already bad when it's never even ran for over a few seconds
So you might have made a common mistake of putting the plastic concave diaphragm on upside down. I snagged this pic from anothers post. The first pic you can see the concave section goes downward, its the little curved black line in the pic. Its easy to accidentally put it in back wards and it wont seal or pump.

The next pic is just a shot of the orientation of the check valves. I'm certain that if you get this pumping your ski will run.

carb valves.JPG
Pix 3.jpg
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Yes, sounds correct... But look, pulse is sealed off from the rest of the pump/carb by membrane and hard gasket (per your order, and pic attached), so how would gas get in there? If the membrane and gaskets are good, the only other way for gas to get inside the pulse would be through from engine trough pulse feed. I don't think this should happen if that's the case. I took apart few carbs, never saw gas in the pulse...
Love the stand I really need to build one how is the one you built do you think the wood would hold a 96 gtx?
Love the stand I really need to build one how is the one you built do you think the wood would hold a 96 gtx?
Yes, they can hold a 4 stroke. Google twinturbomustang pwc bombproof stand. There is a pic of your cut list I think you need 6 or 7 2x4's, screws, 1/4 lag bolts and 4 4" casters. Total cost it's around $45 less carpet for the bunks.
Did I take someone's name that already on here can I change it I feel bad it said it wasn't takin when I signed up
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