Dr Honda
Well-Known Member
ok deal, they have one on sale at Toys R US for $5.99
p.s. I wouldn't mention the L.A. major if I were you, it kinda shames the Phys and Bio majors. :lol:
My degree is in Comp Sci so maybe together we could build a cyborg. And of course put a nice chrome finish on it:thumbsup:
The funny thing was... it was a "Freebee". When I was sitting down with the academic dean at Cal state Fulerton... he threw a paper on his desk and said... sign this. I asked him what it was... and he said... you have enough credits for a LA degree. (funny but true) I was in college for a total of 8 years. (did Physics in 3 years :thumbsup

I like chrome... but if we are building a Cyborg... I want it to have boobs. :cheers: