The last post wins!

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have a good ride. I'm heading to the lake today for a couple weeks. :auto:

Lou, keep an eye on my sister for me while I'm gone.
Yep... I'm beat. +250 mi yesterday on a bike at a motorcycle rally... and all day in the woods today on the RZR. Hope I can find the energy tomorrow to take the skis out.

But then again... It's been hot as heck here all week... and today was barely 70 degrees, overcast, and some drizzle. If it's cold... I guess it will be one more week without the skis.
gee, just the 3 hour drive to the lake today wore me out, just been lounging since we got here. The last 2 times up we just missed major accidents on 80. Today's looked pretty bad, may have been a fatality. They had a helicopter sitting on the highway but didnt seem to be loading anyone. I saw someone taking pictures of the car. Last time we drove up there was about 150 feet of guardrail smashed down and a couple cars stopped with people looking over the hillside. I think a tractor trailer went over the hill as I didn't think that a car could take out that much guardrail. I think we missed that one by maybe a minute.

Pretty sure tomorrow is supposed to be pretty nice out so I'm planning to take the skis out. It's usually a few degrees cooler here than there.


I'm moving back to SoCal.

Man that don't even count as a post. My wife's frickin cat walked across my keyboard before and typed something more intellectual. Or do we have to call 911 for you, did you have a stroke or something and fall face first on the keyboard and you got the m key jammed up your nose?
Man that don't even count as a post. My wife's frickin cat walked across my keyboard before and typed something more intellectual. Or do we have to call 911 for you, did you have a stroke or something and fall face first on the keyboard and you got the m key jammed up your nose?

no i just have keyboard problems on my laptop and i was to lazy to go grab a usb untill i was called out.
well glad u didn't have a stroke. I already had 911 on the line trying to track down your address. I got laptop problems too, my powercord or power port went bad and it wont stay on. using my wife's now.
Tony, I hope for your sake it does clear up. You deserve a jaunt. It's in return for all the help you give us. Maybe we can pitch in for a general fund and get you a full wetsuit with booties and hood? Oh yeah don't move back to SoCal; the traffic still sucks and the price of gas is always $.25 more per gal than here....
good idea fractus, the Doc should set up a PayPal account and we each donate a dollar each time he solves a problem for us. He'll be retired and living the good life in no time and it's a dollar well spent !!
Doc is being way to modest. As his newly appointed agent, just send your $1 donations to me and I will see that he gets it. To make your donation go to Remeber your donation is fully tax deducatble.

So you buying be a boat??

No, just kidding about the new boat. I've actually been thinking I should maybe sell the boat I have because we hardly use it. The lake ain't that big and I get bored driving around in circles around the lake. Maybe get a pontoon instead. They do a spectactular fireworks show here over the water so we'll take the boat out and watch the fireworks from the boat. Other than that I prefer riding the skis.

OK, I have the story to declare me the winner and bring this contest to an end:

I take the boat over and dock at the marina yesterday to buy some oil for the jetskis. I come out of the store and as I'm just about back to my boat, this guy in a rather flambouyantly painted jetski pulls up. As I walk past him, he says "Hey, that's a really nice johnson you have there." Needless to say, this really stunned me for a few seconds and I wasn't quite sure how to respond. Then I happen to notice the nice shiny pontoon that had pulled in beside my boat and I say "Oh thanks, but that's not mine. Mine has the Mercruiser."
See Tony needs a few laps in this favorite lake. The first thing to go is sentence composition.

Sorry... I have degrees in Physics, Biology, Liberal arts... and a math minor in there too.... but I never did learn to spell.

No, just kidding about the new boat. I've actually been thinking I should maybe sell the boat I have because we hardly use it. The lake ain't that big and I get bored driving around in circles around the lake. Maybe get a pontoon instead. They do a spectactular fireworks show here over the water so we'll take the boat out and watch the fireworks from the boat. Other than that I prefer riding the skis.

OK, I have the story to declare me the winner and bring this contest to an end:

I take the boat over and dock at the marina yesterday to buy some oil for the jetskis. I come out of the store and as I'm just about back to my boat, this guy in a rather flambouyantly painted jetski pulls up. As I walk past him, he says "Hey, that's a really nice johnson you have there." Needless to say, this really stunned me for a few seconds and I wasn't quite sure how to respond. Then I happen to notice the nice shiny pontoon that had pulled in beside my boat and I say "Oh thanks, but that's not mine. Mine has the Mercruiser."

OK... I'll declare you the winner if you buy me a Seadoo Islandia. :thumbsup:
Sorry... I have degrees in Physics, Biology, Liberal arts... and a math minor in there too.... but I never did learn to spell.

OK... I'll declare you the winner if you buy me a Seadoo Islandia. :thumbsup:

ok deal, they have one on sale at Toys R US for $5.99

p.s. I wouldn't mention the L.A. major if I were you, it kinda shames the Phys and Bio majors. :lol:

My degree is in Comp Sci so maybe together we could build a cyborg. And of course put a nice chrome finish on it :cool: :thumbsup:
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