Big John, the ripper took his car to the garage.
"A want a seven hundred and ten."
Everyone was dumbfounded, "What's a seven hundred and ten?"
"You know, that little plastic piece in the middle of the engine, mine got lost and I need a new one."
John said, "Look, I'll draw you a picture."
He drew a circle and wrote 710 in the middle of it.
Flummoxed the staff looked at the piece of paper. 710.
The manager was called in and was as confused as everyone else until he rotated to piece of paper.
"Look" he said; and it was clear to them all.
John wanted an oil cap
"A want a seven hundred and ten."
Everyone was dumbfounded, "What's a seven hundred and ten?"
"You know, that little plastic piece in the middle of the engine, mine got lost and I need a new one."
John said, "Look, I'll draw you a picture."
He drew a circle and wrote 710 in the middle of it.
Flummoxed the staff looked at the piece of paper. 710.
The manager was called in and was as confused as everyone else until he rotated to piece of paper.
"Look" he said; and it was clear to them all.
John wanted an oil cap