New Member
YOOOO RJ! where are ya Buddy!
YOOOO RJ! where are ya Buddy!
I'm still around.
Recovering from an unplanned knee surgery on Oct 15th.
Had an offer on the GTX this morning. Not quite what I was looking for, but a decent offer. I opted to keep it as I know I can get a good bit more in the spring... but I expect the guy to be back in a week or two after he gets another paycheck.
Started the upholstery on the Challenger right before I hurt my knee. Have to finish it soon.
Thinking about keeping the Challenger... for now at least. I'm sure that will change when I find a 98 speedster for sale.
what happened to your knee? Think I tore my ACL playing soccer the other night. Waiting for them to schedule an MRI so I can find out. Removed 60 ML of blood from my knee! YIKES! Fortunately I am in great shape so they say it should be minimized.
Hangin' in there.
Ready for summer.
How are you adjusting to life in NC?
Hey RJ, how're things? Still planing on keeping the Challneger? ...
Hey now, you're making me want to have kidsToo early for me still...
You have to prep that rub rail like no ones business.I use lacquer thinner. I actually removed the rub rail from my HX to paint it, your boat I probably wouldn't with your arm. You can twist the rub rail 360 degrees and the paint will not flake off. The other thing you can do is use Frog tape, it has edgeblock technology where once water-based latex touches it the edge seals. So if you put it on, just take a damp sponge and quickly run it down the edge of the tape so it will seal to the fiberglass. Then paint, and remove.
Frog tape. Excellent. I'll order that, some lacquer thinner and the bearing buddy so it will be here for next weekend.
Walmart carries the Frogtape back by the paint and caulk. It's lime green. HD has the lacquer thinner.
My old ski trailer had the clear plastic Bearing buddies and I loved those things, you could tell immediately if you had water in the grease. Just so you know I think I Googled clear plastic bearing buddy.
Just found them for $4.40!
Can you please take a shot of the carbs and tell me which side the cable to the oil pump goes to and which the throttle goes to. I didn't label mine when I took the carbs off. I believe the oil pump cable goes to the stern, PTO carb and the throttle cable from the controls goes to the Bow , MAG carb.