Movie Trivia

Nice Tony, didn't foresee that one!

Big Jake...never heard of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? of my favorites and I just saw it again recently. Blazing Saddles

"They've gone to plaid!"

yea, but I've only ever seen 2 Kevin Bacon movies that I liked, one he was a stock broker, and The Invisible Man - I only liked that one because Elizabeth Shue was in it and she it hot.
Airplace, first one i think.

"we're lookin for an indian that goes by the name Billy Bear"

you guys don't actually need a hint on this easy one do you? ok, I'll give you another partial line from the same scene, the whole line would really give it away. "there's a new sheriff in town and his name is"

and for BONUS POINTS here is a VERY oscure one, from probably the most bizarre movie ever made and it was actually nominated for Movie of the Year. Directed by Stanley Kubrick.

"Ho, ho, ho! Well, if it isn't fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison! How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou!"
Are you guessing on the easy one or the obsure one? either way No, i never watched that. both the easy and obscure movies are much older.

it's hard to give any more quotes that won't get sensored so I'll sensor this additional clue:

"I've been in prison for three years. My xxxx gets hard if the wind blows. "
How about Clockwork Orange

We're just a bunch of rednecks riding ski's not f***in movie critics.

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How about Clockwork Orange

We're just a bunch of rednecks riding ski's not f***in movie critics.


ain't no way in hell you got that one without looking it up. that was just a teaser while you figured out the easy one "48 HOURS"

your turn
Actually I saw the movie years ago and it's the only one that I knew of that Stanley Kubrick directed, really a weird movie. Pretty much a lucky guess.

Time for an easy one.

"the virgin Connie Swail" (not sure about the spelling)

Actually I saw the movie years ago and it's the only one that I knew of that Stanley Kubrick directed, really a weird movie. Pretty much a lucky guess.

Time for an easy one.

"the virgin Connie Swail" (not sure about the spelling)


yea, that's an easy one, Dragnet, She was really hot too.

I don't think I even madie it thru the whole move (a clockwork orange)
Anyone? OK... a couple hints.

1) Kind of a kids movie. (but has been a favorite of mine for a long time, and now my little girl watches it)

2) David Bowie is a main actor.
I'm not looking it up, but based your clues is it The Labyrinth?


Sorry for the kids movie... but every time Someone says... "you'er Horrible" to me... my response is always... "No I'm not. I'm Hoggle." (stupid crap that get's stuck in my head)
Lethal weapon.


"get her to stop shaken' her a$$ for 2 minutes"
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freind: you know what BOAT means right? bust out another thou..... me: SHUT UP!!!l[/QUOTE said:
apparently you were watching that porno too while typing in your signature. i guess me too, cause it took me this long to notice you spelled friend wrong :)
just a guess - The Replacements?

That's when the "Striper" cheer leaders are dancing, and distracting the other team. The other line with that one was... "that girl, slapped the other girl on the a$$"

That's one of those movies that gets funnier every time I watch it.

Yep... what's next?
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That's when the "Striper" cheer leaders are dancing, and distracting the other team. The other line with that one was... "that girl, slapped the other girl on the a$$"

That's one of those movies that gets funnier every time I watch it.

Yep... what's next?

Multiple quotes from the same movie.

This place has a sign hangin' over the urinal that says, "Don't eat the big white mint".

That gal's got entirely too many brains to have an ass like that.

Calling me sir is like putting an elevator in an outhouse. It don't belong.

A polar bear fell on me.