Movie Trivia

OK Fractus dropped the ball, but got the quote right.

Here is the next one then:

"You're gettin' air from there, man. It's no good. You see this? It's gotta be tight. You're gonna have to put some gum around the base to get a good hit."
OK Fractus dropped the ball, but got the quote right.

Here is the next one then:

"You're gettin' air from there, man. It's no good. You see this? It's gotta be tight. You're gonna have to put some gum around the base to get a good hit."

Nobody ever watched Dazed and Confused? Slater's teaching a guy how to use a bong?

OK, I have an easier one for you then:

"God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs eat man.... Woman inherits the Earth."
Nobody ever watched Dazed and Confused? Slater's teaching a guy how to use a bong?

OK, I have an easier one for you then:

"God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs eat man.... Woman inherits the Earth."

Jurassic Park
Hey Brock,

Like the new avatar, I think you change your avatar more that Jake changes his underwear.

yeah i figured i would change it to something that i actually have instead of a ripped out wrestler... ill get a pic of my ski soon im buying a new one now its a 1996 seadoo xp (not RUNNING) guy cant find out whats wrong with it so ill figure it out...heck for 200 bucks i cant go wrong
That's the movie. Give us a new one Jake!

B:First I'm gonna rip the buttons off your blouse one by one, then run my tongue down your neck to your bare, gleaming breasts. And then slowly... slowly pull your jeans off inch by inch.
A:Ginger, it's Matt.
B:And lick your belly in circles further and further down, and then pull your panties off with my teeth.
A:Who is this?
B: God. Sarah? Jesus. I'm Sorry. I thought you were... Can I talk to Ginger please?
Dam it I have seen the movie even remember the line but cant think of the name for the life of me.
I don't remember the rip your bottoms off line, and I don't think it's the same movie. But the cyborg line is the Terminator for sure.
easy I love that movie seen it 10 times. ROUNDERS, one of my favorites of all time

ok, next one. I'll give you 2 exchanges from the same movie.

actor1: I read your book last night.
actor2: So you're the one.

A: What if I said I wouldn't have sex with you again 'til I got to meet your friends; what would you say?
B: I'd say it's 4:30 in the morning; they're probably up. [he picks up phone and begins dialing]
Good Will Hunting, love it "how do you like 'dem apples"

Next one:

"It's megamaid. She's gone from suck to blow."
What the heck, nobody has seen Spaceballs?

Next One:

"You lied to me Mr. Lundeguard. You're a bald faced lier... a...bleeping lier."