Movie Trivia

ok we've been stalled for 3 days so I'm posting a new one to get things rolling again.

"That's a 12. That's a 12!"
ok we've been stalled for 3 days so I'm posting a new one to get things rolling again.

"That's a 12. That's a 12!"

ok another hint:

This is everything, ain't it? This is the choice it comes down to - this is our immortality.

You don't need to be thinking immortality - you need to be thinking hit the 7 iron!
Tried this one a few days ago and got no response. Lets see if someone can get it with a video hint.

Man shouting..."AM I NOT MERCIFUL"

"do you like Gladiator movies?"
"You'll be making a grave error if you kill us. There are a quarter of a million Italians in Britain and they'll be made to suffer. Every restaurant, cafe, ice-cream parlor, gambling den and nightclub in London, Liverpool and Glasgow will be smashed."
Thats the original Italian Job!! Very nice!

Next one: "Is it true what they say about the way you people are 'gifted?"
: "Zzzzzzzip! Oh it's Twue.... it's twue.... it's twue!"
How about:

You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little f***ed up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to f***in' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?


Next One:

"Look, White, I know that we've had our differences in the past."
"Differences? Is that what you call sleeping with three of my female trainers?"
"It was one night?"
"Or how about tha strip-o-gram you sent me for the Globo Gym one-year anniversary?"
"The stripper was meant to be congratulatory."
"It was also a man."

Next One:

"Look, White, I know that we've had our differences in the past."
"Differences? Is that what you call sleeping with three of my female trainers?"
"It was one night?"
"Or how about tha strip-o-gram you sent me for the Globo Gym one-year anniversary?"
"The stripper was meant to be congratulatory."
"It was also a man."

It was on tv up here tonight Dodgeball
How about 'My momma says an alligator is ornery cause he got all those teeth and no tooth brush'
The Waterboy! I love the follow up, "no you're wrong Colonal Sanders"

Next one:

"And me, Skipper?"
"I want you to look cute and cuddly, private. Today we're going to blow this dump."