Lately I've been pondering my plans for the exhaust system. I even started a thread just for this topic ( ) I realized that my earlier plan to have the two mufflers at the edges of the hull was not going to work. Marine exhaust systems, turns out, are much more complex that I initially thought. I did some research and realized that the waterline plays a major role in how these systems are designed. Having the two mufflers at the edges of the hull would put them above that waterline. Also, turning the JPipe 90deg to aim at the WB would take away that bend, which is a high point in the system. That's always supposed to be above the water line, to help ensure water never backs up into the motor. Anyway, after much research, I finally got around to visiting the issue in person.
We're going though a cold snap this week, so after heating the garage for an hour, it was bearable to work in. I stuck the JPipe on and stareted taking measurements.
The old 787 muffler was parallel to the motor, and my initial attempts were to simulate thas scenario. Today, I realized that in the jet ski, they mufflers were out at angles. So I turned it and saw that it was much closer to fitting. It seemed I was off by about 4". I proceeded to remove that insulating jacket. Once off, it was MUCH closer. I saw many picture where people switched their WBs for shorter ones. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I cut into the waterbox. I deleted about an inch off the end. Here's what it looks like inside.
I had to cut another 1" ring off it AAAAALMOST WENT IN. I was blocked by the inner hull molding. I took out the grinder and shaved away some of the shaping for the old muffler. 5 minutes of grinding and behold!
Looks like the (semi)stock system is a GO. :thumbsup: I still have some questions though.
1. What is the angle of the water box. Is it tilted toward the bow, the stern? How many degrees is the inlet tilted? I guess a better way to ask that second question is how tilted is the JPipe? Should that outlet water-jacket spout point straight up? A little to port? It's been ages since I took all this apart, and I never owned it long enough to know such things. I believe this is critical because if you look inside the WB, the water and exhaust has to come under that baffle to get out. If it's an angle, it'll change how things move in there.
2. Is that black insulation on the first WB necessary? Would I melt the epoxy if I left it off? I ask because the stuff is really heavy and I'm really weight conscious with this project. Also I may have to make the WB even shorter if I have to put it back on. What if I only put on part of the insulation? Does it cut down on noise THAT much?
Man, I'm so relieved I can use my stock system. I wonder how much louder it'll be with a shorter WB or if I'm screwing up any other design dynamics...