I just added up what I’ve spent on this so far and I’m at just a hair under 1000.00. I’ve got a 95XP, 96GSX, 99GSX and eventually a 92XP that I’m going to want to go through, i would like to keep costs as low as I can while still having a good solid running machine, only replacing what needs to be replaced. I seen in a thread about pressure testing the fuel selector valve, I know it’s just one small item but if 35.00 USD which is about 50.00CDN can be saved it’s money that can go somewhere else. I’ve ordered a new selector valve for this HX but for future hoe do you pressure test the fuel selector valve? Also the carburetors, when I took this one apart it looks like all genuine Mikuni parts, only thing noticeably wrong was the o-ring on the seat was leaking, I’ve already received the whole back to OEM kit from OSD but for future could I just take apart the carburetors, take all o-rings, gaskets off etc. Clean everything and reassemble, check the pop off and pressure test? Would be another 200.00 savings for future projects if that would be acceptable? I want my machines in gooc working order, but if I can do the proper tests and replace only what needs replacing I’m all for that.