The X4 Thread

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If you could build an OEM engine with ALL OEM parts just like they came from the factory for 800$ I think we would all go that route.
If you could build an OEM engine with ALL OEM parts just like they came from the factory for 800$ I think we would all go that route.

I think I have $843 into my 96 787. That includes new raves and housings. Every part I put into that was OEM, so yes it can be done but you need to be diligent and wait for the right deal. I found a dealer that gave good discounts on parts, but that well has dried up I'm afraid. If I remember correctly that $843 actually included a full set of extra rings, which if deducted would put me under $800. Tough but doable.

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Wow, I thought it would have been way more than 843. That is impressive! Did you use multiple sources or one main source?
I used everywhere and anywhere, the main dealer was SHS. That was total WITH shipping, many parts I had free shipping so that's not really fair. I have a spreadsheet with the parts listed for my 96, I really need to start one for my 95 build. I just checked the spreadsheet, I was off a bit. I was $818.79 with shipping LESS the extra set of rings, still not shabby for a full OEM rebuild, if I have the formula correct in excel. Throw another $10 on if you want to include the full set of head bolts I bought off eBay to replace a few snapped ones.

Does that look like 95 crank pto threads? Just want to be sure before I get a new pto.
Sold a lot of my parts including the hull. so sad to see it go yesterday even after the 2 years of agony. Just added a few more parts and dropped the prices more. Thanks guys!
I bet it's a blast, wish I was closer.
I can just imagine the sound from all those X-4s running at one time.
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I used everywhere and anywhere, the main dealer was SHS. That was total WITH shipping, many parts I had free shipping so that's not really fair. I have a spreadsheet with the parts listed for my 96, I really need to start one for my 95 build. I just checked the spreadsheet, I was off a bit. I was $818.79 with shipping LESS the extra set of rings, still not shabby for a full OEM rebuild, if I have the formula correct in excel. Throw another $10 on if you want to include the full set of head bolts I bought off eBay to replace a few snapped ones.

on a related note:

If it could be demonstrated that it might be helpful to put together some kits maybe an idea is forming.

I have a source that has assorted 787/951 bolts in bulk, like a 5 gallon bucket's worth last I checked. I've purchased bulk bolts by the pound from him as recently as a year ago so unless he's changed things up the supply train is still there. It was very very reasonable it was just time consuming to sort them properly. 50% were usable "as is" and another 49% with a few seconds of wire wheel action. Kits: I could either do it myself or facilitate a bulk purchase for a member that is super bored and want's to contribute to making life a little easier for their fellow seadoo junkies.

also, we might have a few members, myself included that have a few dozen assorted SD bolts in the bottom's of buckets, in various unmarked baggies, etc sitting around doing nothing useful... so if we get a little organized I think there are a few more stashes that aren't doing anybody any good that can be recycled into useful kits.

Now... I have the time, but... not an experienced mechanic that can identify all the bolts just by sight, so I might need assistance from someone (shout out to all anal retentive's !) that could maybe provide a set of labeled bolts, I could then sort and package sets, or individual replacements that wouldn't cost much at all and might be a big help to a member that needs to replace x/y/z quickly and for just a few bucks instead of scrambling around on ebay or the forums looking for a couple of stator, cyl or head bolts for example.

back when I was seriously involved in flipping I bought like 20 lbs and sorted them into the compartment cases that are cheap at HF and they were a HUGE help during a rebuild vs spending more time looking for one particular bolt, before we were organized far too often it took 10 minutes to find a bolt and 10 seconds to put it in, i'm sure you've all experienced this.

dumb idea? or has somebody already thought of this and maybe just providing a link would help others ?
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Spim just post pics or email pics and we should be able to sort out what's what. I like the idea, I know I will need engine hardware for my current builds.
I have all types of hardware seadoo related sorted including complete engine bolt sets bagged up in ziplocks. I also have new SS lock washers to replace the crushed ones to fit 10, 13, 17MM bolts.

On small stuff it is free with purchase, larger requests I charge a minimal fee.

The picture below was the day I started...they are heaping now.

One stop shop YO!
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I have all types of hardware seadoo related sorted including complete engine bolt sets bagged up in ziplocks. I also have new SS lock washers to replace the crushed ones to fit 10, 13, 17MM bolts.

On small stuff it is free with purchase, larger bolts I charge a minimal fee.

The picture below was the day I started...they are heaping now.

well... there you go, I thought about sending you a PM on that, since I remember pic's you've posted in the past.

so... "there's an app for that" I think we're good.
Any idea how many hours are on it? Could be an okay deal, at least it looks clean. I have bought jet skies that ran great for a while, then the bearings went out, or some other calamity befell it. Go down there and check the compression (should be 150 and they should be w/in 5-10 psi of each other) and look at the plugs. If they're a nice brown, chances are it's a healthy ski. If they're pale, or white, it's been running lean and may have some trouble coming up. How does it start up, do you have to crank it long? Any idea when the carbs were rebuilt, and by who? Does it have grey fuel lines? Are the RAVE valves leaking black goo or have melted plungers? Any and all of these can be used to talk the guy down some. An X4 in good condition is worth about $1200 IMO, though I would never buy one already running, but rather fix it up myself so I know what it has in it.
Any idea how many hours are on it? Could be an okay deal, at least it looks clean. I have bought jet skies that ran great for a while, then the bearings went out, or some other calamity befell it. Go down there and check the compression (should be 150 and they should be w/in 5-10 psi of each other) and look at the plugs. If they're a nice brown, chances are it's a healthy ski. If they're pale, or white, it's been running lean and may have some trouble coming up. How does it start up, do you have to crank it long? Any idea when the carbs were rebuilt, and by who? Does it have grey fuel lines? Are the RAVE valves leaking black goo or have melted plungers? Any and all of these can be used to talk the guy down some. An X4 in good condition is worth about $1200 IMO, though I would never buy one already running, but rather fix it up myself so I know what it has in it.

Thanks much for the info and quick response. I probably do not "need" another SeaDoo, but all the good words on the x4 has me very curious so I will probably go have a look.
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