Active Member
I'm ready for day off from work...ok, I'm convinced... I'm taking off tomorrow to go jump some waves...:rofl:
will those be 95*f waves or did you get some cooler waters yet?

I'm ready for day off from work...ok, I'm convinced... I'm taking off tomorrow to go jump some waves...:rofl:
HA! i dont think id be able to handle that degree of water. although i do like cold beer.....
ive actually been contemplating visiting my grandparents in florida but it pry wouldnt be til fall. by that time the water there may be just right. but im still not sure if id be able to handle all the oldies. I have been out of town for 4 weeks on business. I finally get home after being in Richmond VA, then straight to Monterrey MX. I am anxious to get the skis in the water, especially my freshly rebuilt GTX. I hooked the trailer up last night and checked everything, all is well so far. This morning I get in the truck and start it up. After a short warm up I put it in drive and NOTHING. My truck will not accelerate. Damn! Call the Ford Dealer and a few hundred smackaroos later it is fixed.
Did you know that there is no such thing as an accelerator cable on Ford products anymore. It is all electronic. It is my understanding that the petal talks to the electronic box on the throttle body...or something, I don't know.
Anybody have this kind of luck???? :cuss::banghead:
That is so true...I own 06 Dodge Charger RT with a HEMI. After a family outing, I disconnect the battery and reset the accelerator pedal so it won't remember the slow driving I was doing with the family. I run a tuner with electronic cutouts to maximize the performance of the engine... I have to reset the computer and pedel so it will do what it is suppose to do...after family day. That's 165+...yeah I sell Escort radar detectors too, so I have the best defense. :rofl: