Sad day

Sounds like you're loving the FL weather there coastiejoe ... I visited it once first ocean experience even without a ski but did rain daily for a few minutes then back to the good ole sunshine.... Have ya had a chance to do any ski fishing yet? How'd ya go?

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Just saw the weather update ...

Holy Polar Vortex !!!!! Bundle up northerners... I hope its not another long nasty one for y'all this year.
We are sending the South a little taste of cold this weekend. We like to share.

ya... thanks a LOT....

We actually cancelled our planned Sunday ride, it was raining and a bit breezy with too much chill in the air. However if we had just moved the ride from 10am to maybe 3pm it was "doo-able"

If we had lived up north we would have been riding, since 65 and rain isn't bad at all for November :) My Rhode Island transplant was a little miffed with us for cancelling, he was ready to ride and called us wimps...

Fortunately, the bad stuff is gone now, and we rescheduled the ride for Tuesday afternoon, 79 and sunny with a light breeze...
Just saw the weather update ...

Holy Polar Vortex !!!!! Bundle up northerners... I hope its not another long nasty one for y'all this year.

Here in Michigan the forecast is high of 58 on Tuesday, then rain at night....I'll cut the grass then bring the snowblower up from the shed and move the boat off the driveway onto the grass (between 2 garages) for the winter. :(
For those of us in the north suffering from withdrawal, if you should have a Playstation 2 there is a game called Splashdown that is a Seadoo racing game. It is from around 2001 or so but is a pretty good game and there are several different ski's and drivers to choose from. You can probably get the game at a Gamestop or online on ebay for a few dollars. There was a sequel called Splashdown:Riders gone wild, but it wasn't as good in my opinion. So if you're stuck inside and have a video game system around, check it out.
Sounds like you're loving the FL weather there coastiejoe ... I visited it once first ocean experience even without a ski but did rain daily for a few minutes then back to the good ole sunshine.... Have ya had a chance to do any ski fishing yet? How'd ya go?

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I somehow missed this post...
Yes, I am certainly enjoying the FL weather.. It is amazing, you walk outside and you just feel better. Something to be said about seeing that bright ball in the sky and feeling the warmth.. Even cold days are good.. LOL

No fishing yet, but I want to. I truly enjoy fishing. Don't care what I catch,, I'll release it anyways.
I did get out on the skis last weekend, though one of the batteries finally decided to quit on me. I ordered a sealed battery, it is on its way to me. Then just today I went to Lowes and built a 4-tech flush adapter. So I think I am pretty much good to go.
Shrimp the universal bait. I landed a 15 pound Sea Bass out of Tampa Bay. Very tastie! Got a couple of huge cat fish in the Intercoastal Waterway.
Great Ride yesterday, but the water is getting Chilly, I swear it was under 72 ! Glad I brought my dry top for the spray, it was pretty choppy out there.

Joe where are you doing your riding ?

The only time's I've been on the water that way have been near the Port of Miami, Monument Island, a little south towards Biscayne or up towards Haulover and back, Its been kind of the same ride all three times I've been there.
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So far just Parrot Jungle area. I am chatting with coworkers to learn other locations. There are two fresh water places near where I live.

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All the pwc guys I know in that area area seem to complain about limited choices, where we have so many on this side of the state its really just a question of what your in the mood for. Flat, choppy, fast, slow, salt, fresh. I'm already planning Thanksgiving weekend, 5 ramps in 4 days... (Gotta squeeze in maximum water time while the Daughter is in town from Gainesville)

Most of the guys over there tend to go to Marathon/Keys more than they ride in the Miami area itself.
As I learn more about the area, I am sure I will expand out a bit. Part of the issues is, though I am married, my wife lives in Jacksonville. So I am basically by myself for about 2yrs until she can retire, (20 active duty years in the CG). So,,, being by myself I just don't the umph to go out and explore. I have two skis, but not too many "budddies" yet. As time goes, it will get better. I'll find others in my office with boats and what not.. Just the simple fact that I got on the water in November is a great thing.. LOL I'd drive across the state to meet others. I think it is less than 2 hrs max traveling left and right.