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Quick Question

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What did the 92 SPI have in it for an engine I found this one that would make a fun project. Here is the add. The pic is a little small but it looks clean.

1992 Sea Doo SPI Worked 2 summers ago, then last summer it wouldn't start up. Always was a reliable machine, just needs someone who knows what they're doing. Need to clear out the yd. - $400 OBO

If it needs an engine I won't pick it up I think it might be a fuel problem maybe a carb rebuild. I will deffinitly check compression and see if fuel is going through the lines but it looks like it is in real good shape.
You are in Knoxville that is funny we will be in Pigeon Forge the 16 through the 26 my dad bought a motor home and we are taking a trip with my grandparents.
This guy doesn't seem like he knows to much what he is doing so maybe we will go and take a look then if everything is OK I might offer him 200 bucks see if he bites.
Yeah. You never know. Worst case, if hull is good, drop an engine in it and maybe some jet pump work. But who knows, could be anything.
I was looking a SeaDooWarehouse for some decals to see the prices and it said that there is the sp and the spi is there a diffrence?
We ended up passing up on it he said it needed a new block and there was under hull damage were he hit a rock.
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