In order to choose the right regulator, keep in mind the maximum rating of the stator acording to the service manual and try and stay under that. A regulator is easier to replace than a stator....
You would need to have the batteries fully charged and then have the boat running with all accessories on and then check the maximum current draw with a clamp meter or an inline amp meter to all your accessories.. Then choose a regulator that meets that demand. Just make sure you connect to only the accessories and not the main starting wire. So use the positive that picks off the battery and goes to the computer and accessories. After all your only looking for the running draw.
Try that without the regulator connected at all. That will show you the maximum parasitic draw.
You may be drawing quite a bit already.
How much could you really be drawing anyways ?
I mean, the gauges do not take much. maybe 0.5A
Tthe bilge pump and fan are intermittent usage but can take up to 10A
The fuel pump, ignition and computer might take a bit thought, Assume 15A
The lights might take a bit but you can switch to LED everything and save power there. So 2A
The stereo could take a bit... Intermittently up to 15 amps
This might add up quickly
So far I'm thinking 45-50 Amps max
or 15 minimum
Here's something to help you tell what your drawing.