Update: got the new rectifier/regulator in. It's a nice, beefy unit. Heavy and seemingly very durable. Rated for 32A, it should be able to take the full brunt of what my stator has to throw at it. I need to think of a new place to mount it, where it can both breathe, and not catch anything on fire. The most optimal place would be in the air intake tube, but it's plastic, and if I ever have a repeat of what happened with the other rectifier, I'll melt the tube. At least I'll be able to smell it quicker.
I also bought two small voltmeters. Debating on where to install them. Thinking of the steering wheel, as they're about the size of a half dollar each. I want them where I can always see them. Going to have one for each of the battery systems.
Going to also install the new depth finder I got from my folks for our 1-yr anniversary. That should help keep my marriage off the rocks. Going to mount it where the fuel gauge used to be, above the steering wheel. This will necessitate me moving my vts gauge to the space above the cup holder. It's a less visible spot, but VTS is way less vital than depth. Oh, I just picked up a pretty mind 95xp with a perfect VTS and gauge. It's dead accurate and works perfectly. Going to swap it
Lastly, I need to bore out the steering nozzle and see if that releives some of that backpressure. I'm wasting a bunch of power on pressure washing my transom every time I ride.
I have a few days while I wait on GTI parts. Should get most of this done by then.