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97 seadoo gsx cranks but won’t start

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have you tried spraying starter fluid directly into carbs? if so , and it cranks, then fuel delivery issue, also be sure to check timing on rv, are you positive the engine is getting good fire?, its possible you have mpem issue, momentarily firing and then not firing, ton of things to check and eleminate, , i have tried using non oem mikuni, and i am hard headed , didnt believe the difference, unfortunately its a massive difference, to prove it , lay your old mikuni original next to aftermarket kit, , shape of gaskets, and thickness, and material difference, also the diaphram bellows have a big nub sticking out on back , mikuni does not
It sounds like you need to remove your carbs and go through the pop off and pressure tests. Fueling issues are the carbs 99% of the time.

the motor revving up on its own is called running away. This is when the motor gets so hot that it's causing preiginiton meaning the gas is igniting without the aid of the spark plugs. This happens when your motor is in a lean condition and is frequently caused by air leaks.

When you say you sealed the case with gasket Maker what case are you referring to? There are very few places that you should be using gasket maker
I’m back, and after a winter of sitting I pulled the motor again and realized that I had messed up the flywheel position. When I first rebuilt the motor I didn’t have the flywheel lined up with the key so the timing was off. After putting it back together and dropping the motor back in it started pretty close to right up . I appreciate the help from everyone here and I’m sure the ideas may be helpful to other people having problems in the future. Now just have to finish up a few things and break it in.
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