I got the picture from 2001 seadoo sportster LE shop manual.
BTW as you have seen in my previous pictures for the nozzle, it is very rough and dirty. Do I need to do anything about it immediately?
Talking about the steering and rudder, I thought the divider is actually a rudder when boat is moving after the engine turns off when docking.
Okay. I haven't seen a 2001 sportster LE shop manual published by the BRP/seadoo factory, didn't know there was one, LOL!

That photo isn't of a single screw boat like ours, looks like a twin screw boat. If it's an aftermarket manual I wouldn't be surprised at seeing photos anything, even a helicopter blades.
Yeah, I noticed your pump area looked pretty grimy for some reason but that doesn't hurt anything necessarily. About the only thing you might consider doing soon is changing the impeller shaft bearing oil, not sure how the impeller and wear ring look like. Hopefully your primary nozzle screws/bolt threads aren't corroded in their threads.
I reassemble mine using anti-seize on the bolt threads they are in bronze, my pump is bronze, but your screws are probably in inserts molded in the plastic pump if it's plastic like the spec sheet says it is. In that case, I wouldn't use lock-tite on the screws b/c the threaded inserts are liable to spin in the plastic the next time it's disassembled, I'd use anti-seize compound instead, in that case.
I use anti-seize on about everything that's under water, and my boss hates that, he says it won't help keep stuff from seizing, LOL! But he's used to working on saltwater stuff, I won't work on most stuff that's been in salt water, if I can help it.
I stay away from stuff that's been living in salt water if it looks like it's corroded, it's usually worse than it looks.
That divider shown won't do anything if the engine isn't running, it might help steering a little bit when the engine is running. Some jet pumps have an optional rudder hanging off the bottom of the steering nozzle. Back a few decades ago some authorities were trying to make jet pump nozzle rudders mandatory, but for some reason the effort didn't go anywhere.
I once ran my boat up 20ft up on shore when my engine abruptly quit while I was making a turn in my old jet boat, it was a stupid move and I wasn't expecting my motor might quit. You have to allow for this possibility when maneuvering a jet boat and I learned my lesson, thankfully nobody was hurt.