This piston crown has an ash color, which shows that the engine has run hot. The ash color is
actually piston material that has started to flash (melt) and turned to tiny flakes. If this engine
was run any longer, it probably would,ve developed a hot spot and hole near the exhaust side
and failed. The main causes of this problem are too lean carb jetting, too hot spark plug range,
too far advanced ignition timing, too much compression for the fuel's octane, or a general
overheating problem."
View attachment 62537
Also, were the Ports Chamfered after the Boring? Does the Shop specialize in Two Stroke Cylinder work or are they mainly a 4 Stroke Shop?
Port edges need to have a Bevel for smooth transition/travel of the Rings.
Too many Shops forget to Chamfer the Ports on Two Stroke Cylinders...