The last post wins!

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well I feel I have been using this site for all my own purposes, so i am going to take one for the team to give back by posting after Phildoo...
The guy who posts after me is totally gay!!
Heh heh heh

He's not gay !!!!! I have never seen him at the meetings. Ummmmm.... did I just say that???

Guess I'm out.

Oh.... and I win.
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well I feel I have been using this site for all my own purposes, so i am going to take one for the team to give back by posting after Phildoo...

Way to take one for the team! I was afraid Phildoo killed the thread! lol...
White stuff is over here. Now we get them rotating wind storms around here. Neighbor got a tree through their kitchen, one grandparent lost 8 trees, and the other grandparents got a tree through two stories of house. Building down the road had 2 grain bins get thrown through it and did $300,000 worth of damage. Thats just within 1.5 miles of me out of town.

Good news my house, truck, and jet ski are squeaky clean!
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