I have learned alot from this forum and I thank everyone who helped. I now have two ski's down and its starting to be not fun anymore. My 1995 GTX was running good so far this year. last week I took it out and it ran for an hour then started stalling. I can restart it but would stall very soon. I made it back to the ramp and brought in home. I check the ski and found water in the fuel filter. Cleaned filter and emptied and dried tank put in new gas and took it out today for a test run. I ran good for about 5 mintues and stall again at WOT. Restared and then stall seconds later. Then would not start any more. Came home and read some threads from here and took carb off and found what appeared to be a large chip of black paint in the fuel filter on the Mag side carb which is where the gas line come in. Cleaned put it back on and would not start. Checked the compression and the PTO cylinder has nothing and the Mag side has 140psi. Guess I fried the piston. any idea's what happened?