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1995 Seadoo SPX bogging down won’t start.

I’ve been having issues with my Seadoo bogging down while driving.

I replaced the fuel lines (all except the Reserve line) when I first got it.

I never had problems of it bogging down but just this year randomly it will bog down, sometimes I’ll be going full throttle perfectly and then it just bogs down and even if I have the throttle pushed down all the way it will not go. But if I let it idle for a couple seconds it would then work normally. Sometimes it wouldn’t do it at all and other times it would bog down 6 to 7 times per ride.

Since owning it, I’ve only used premium gas. This time when driving it it bogged down once really bad to when I let go of the throttle to let it idle it just shut off. I then got it started again and tried to go and it wouldn’t move and just shut off again.

I was on the other side of the lake from my place so I kept trying to get it started. But when I would give it gas or try and let it idle it would shut off.

While trying to start it multiple times, I heard something under me so I opened the seat and tried starting it again and I saw water spraying out a hole in the exhaust pipe (see image).

I got towed back by someone on my lake. After that I took apart the one side on the first carb to clean the fuel filter (it was dirty). I sprayed the filter out with carb clean. Put it back together and couldn’t get the second carb open. (I might have been able to but I would have probably stripped the screws). Carb is original and I don’t think it was ever rebuilt or taken apart.

I tested it after cleaning that one filter in the carb. Nothing changed can get it to start and if it does it sputters out in a couple seconds.

Checked plugs and they didn’t look that bad. (Did not test compression or spark)

Whats wrong with it?
How do I fix it?

Thanks for your time,
Definitely need to start by really cleaning the carbs. 99% of the time that fixes the problem. Just do some searching on the site on how to clean them and you will find!
As mentioned go through the carbs, follow Mikidymac’s carb rebuild thread. Stop driving it until you get this remedied, if you are starving for fuel or running lean you will be damaging the engine by continuing to drive it in this condition, check compression first to see where you are at, carbs, make sure the fuel system is not sucking any air