Thank you sir. Good point about the filter clamps. I plan on purchasing those clamps and tool just because of how bad the filters looked. I'm surprised this ski ran at all!!Yes, it appears to still be the best. They now include both strainers, the can filter, and tank gasket for a bit more than half the original price (now $80). They also still have the lifetime warranty! The gasket should not really need replacing, and if you can blow easily through the can filter I wouldn't replace that either since it usually involves double oetiker clamps on each side.
Thanks for your reply DooWacka and advice, I really appreciate you taking the time!
As a follow up to yesterday, since I had everything apart, I ended up using part of a fuel hose and sliding it into the silver shaft. It is a very tight fit but seems to work. I installed everything and the Seadoo started. I did some pressure tests and things seem to be working!!!! :thumbsup: I attached a pic in case it might help others.I am planning to use the Seadoo in 2 weeks so I will let everyone know if it didn't work!
Thanks again for the advice!
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It does not free flow but I unplugged it into a beer bottleThe return fuel line from the rail should allow easy fuel passage.
I like your workbench with a great view of the water!
I have an inline gauge to install. Not easy finding one over 100. Should install it soon if I don't let the Marine specialist in the area at it this coming weekI never saw any statement about what your original problem was.
If you thought it was the fuel pump then you really need to measure the fuel pressure.
Placing he key on the post should give 27 psi, then hitting the starter button it should climb quickly to at least 90 psi to start, then run at 107 psi.
Thanks for your reply DooWacka and advice, I really appreciate you taking the time!
As a follow up to yesterday, since I had everything apart, I ended up using part of a fuel hose and sliding it into the silver shaft. It is a very tight fit but seems to work. I installed everything and the Seadoo started. I did some pressure tests and things seem to be working!!!! :thumbsup: I attached a pic in case it might help others.I am planning to use the Seadoo in 2 weeks so I will let everyone know if it didn't work!
Thanks again for the advice!
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@rkbuye, I know it's been a while but did this (the rubber hose in place of the sliding seal) end up working long term. Thanks, Dave.
I need to replace the fuel pump on my 06 Sea Doo RXT. I'm on the fence about either buying the HFP-342DI-X or HFP-500DI-X. Seems like the HFP-342DI-X is tried and true but the HFP-500DI-X is closer to OEM design. Have you had a chance to test one out and which one would you buy?You are right.
Thanks for the reminder.
Yes, the 382 was a small gold anodized pump with a black plastic top for about $40 (back in the day) from a number of places. HFF sent me one of theirs for a try. I had to plug the bypass port, then it seemed to perform OK, and only used about 6 A. However, I don't think I had one last more than about 40 hours.
The original HFP-342 from HF was just a Walbro competitor that used too much power.
The HF second generation was a Ford Mustang pump HFP-RTN with a white plastic top, but used 9A.
The pump I now have in all 4 of my DI is I believe the still current HF model HFP-342DI which has a blue plastic top and has been lasting well and only draws about 6A.
I just looked on the High Flow Fuel site and I see a new pump that actually looks identical from the outside to the BRP OEM pump! I have not tried one of these HFP-500DI-X , but I am curious if it performs as well as the OEM with the original 4 to 5A draw.
I wouldn't think it is the exact pump since Airtex, which was the supplier of that pump to BRP, told me that it was a proprietary design for BRP and they couldn't make them on their own without permission.
So the current recommended pump would be either the HFP-342DI, or possibly the newest HFP-500DI-X.