sea doo dies when given gas

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New Member sea doo starts but you put on gas and it dies! It will kinda stay
running if you dont give it gas...robyn sea doo starts but you put on gas and it dies! It will kinda stay
running if you dont give it gas...robyn
That could be plugs or carb settings.
....................................................................Let us know what it is.;)
Pilot jets!

Robyn, it sounds like it's going to be a carb issue. I think it could be your pilot jets. What is your year, model and engine size?

When the engine is at idle, the carbs deliver fuel through an idle jet, right at the base of the throttle plate. When you give the gas, the butterfly (throttle plate) opens slightly and a diaphragm on the side of the PTO carb pumps fuel into the carbs to speed it up. Once you open the carbs and the rpm's are increasing, the main jets take over and maintain the motors operation.
If you have a 787 model, this is something you can do that is simple to check the pilot jets. Take off the flame arrestor to make the throat of the carbs visible. Have someone apply the throttle. If you look really close, you should see a burst of fuel spray into the carbs, or if your ear is close enough and it's quiet, you will actually here it. Kinda sounds like taking a spray bottle of 409 and giving a quick squirt. If you remove the housing, you can see the diaphragm on the aft side of the PTO carb. It will have a single hose (about an 1/8") that moves down and under the carbs, then "tees" off with one line running up to the PTO carb and the other line going to the Mag carb.
This is the carb set up for the 1997, 787 engine.
There is the possibility that the carbs aren't in syncro, but I'd check the pilots first!
Let me know if this helps!
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