Active Member
A bit more progress to report.
After the adventure at the lake Sunday I headed to WallyWorld to fill in some gaps. Left with:
-new battery box with lid, tie down and stainless screws to hold it down.
-a couple of bumpers that are size appropriate for the Challenger 800
-most of the stuff to redo the incredibly terrible wiring the prior owner did on the new bilge pump float switch and pump. I got most of it done this morning before work with running the right lengths of wire, connecting stuff with heat shrink/adhesive connectors (awesome), liquid electrical tape, and taking the time to actually route wires instead of draping them over the engine, as the prior owner did.
Just need to pick up a fuse and fuse holder, as I forgot those, and I can finish that up.
-rubbing compound, polish, and a foam pad for my orbital polisher... so I can start knocking the chalky layer off of the topside gel coat.
-a safety whistle. I had thought the SD had a horn, but couldn't find one last night. I'll have to install one, but the whistle will keep me in compliance for now.
-a variety of SS hose clamps. I put one on the outlet hose of the head where it is very visible. Not sure if these are SS band with regular steel worm-gear housing... so if this one shows any sign of rust I'll see it and replace it quickly.
-seafoam-like fuel treatment
-#7 danforth anchor and 150' of anchor rode. I've got a spare chain on my big boat that I'll add between the anchor and the rode to help it stay on the bottom. By the way... where is everyone storing the anchor on your jet boats? I haven't found an ideal place yet, but am leaning towards the space below the bin in front of the driver's seat.
-2 new spark plugs, which I installed this morning. They only had Champion brand, number 8902, I think. Regardless, it had the br8es NGK plug listed as a cross reference. I'll order some genuine NGK plugs later today as well.
-A replacement cup holder for the hole in the port side gunwhale. Lost the original somewhere on I-85 they day I bought the boat.
And I just ordered Black Tip mats from Kieth at seadooupholstery.com Not sure if he wants his prices posted, so I'll just say that he gave a smoking good deal on them. I went with Slate Gray, as I can't see how anything else would remotely go with the FANTASTIC pink, purple, and seafoam color scheme that SeaDoo had the wisdom to go with on the '96 Challenger. Now to start saving for new seat covers...
After the adventure at the lake Sunday I headed to WallyWorld to fill in some gaps. Left with:
-new battery box with lid, tie down and stainless screws to hold it down.
-a couple of bumpers that are size appropriate for the Challenger 800
-most of the stuff to redo the incredibly terrible wiring the prior owner did on the new bilge pump float switch and pump. I got most of it done this morning before work with running the right lengths of wire, connecting stuff with heat shrink/adhesive connectors (awesome), liquid electrical tape, and taking the time to actually route wires instead of draping them over the engine, as the prior owner did.

-rubbing compound, polish, and a foam pad for my orbital polisher... so I can start knocking the chalky layer off of the topside gel coat.
-a safety whistle. I had thought the SD had a horn, but couldn't find one last night. I'll have to install one, but the whistle will keep me in compliance for now.
-a variety of SS hose clamps. I put one on the outlet hose of the head where it is very visible. Not sure if these are SS band with regular steel worm-gear housing... so if this one shows any sign of rust I'll see it and replace it quickly.
-seafoam-like fuel treatment
-#7 danforth anchor and 150' of anchor rode. I've got a spare chain on my big boat that I'll add between the anchor and the rode to help it stay on the bottom. By the way... where is everyone storing the anchor on your jet boats? I haven't found an ideal place yet, but am leaning towards the space below the bin in front of the driver's seat.
-2 new spark plugs, which I installed this morning. They only had Champion brand, number 8902, I think. Regardless, it had the br8es NGK plug listed as a cross reference. I'll order some genuine NGK plugs later today as well.
-A replacement cup holder for the hole in the port side gunwhale. Lost the original somewhere on I-85 they day I bought the boat.
And I just ordered Black Tip mats from Kieth at seadooupholstery.com Not sure if he wants his prices posted, so I'll just say that he gave a smoking good deal on them. I went with Slate Gray, as I can't see how anything else would remotely go with the FANTASTIC pink, purple, and seafoam color scheme that SeaDoo had the wisdom to go with on the '96 Challenger. Now to start saving for new seat covers...
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