I know man Im still bummed. Between Matt's and chuck's crazy machines its a seadoo lovers wet dream. Plus...Lots of friends in the industry to meet up with in Daytona. Who knows, maybe that guy will buy the explorer and Ill have the dough.
Dennis; you get up here for an event and I got you covered on a machine and camping stuff. The Dells event in June has cabins on site.
Matt...on the 951. A few things I see that need to be done. First. You need the seal that goes around the mani/pipe area. Some call it the "diaper" it wraps around that seal and keeps any water that potentially leaks out of that seal out of your carbs and funnels it away from the carbs.
Then, I would get some pre filters on those flame arrestors. If you want the best, buy some frogskinz material and have someone stitch them up for you.
If you plan to jump it I would worry about water slipping past the seat seal and pouring in the carb. I had that issue last summer when landing vertically. All I did was cut a plastic jug apart and used a piece of it duck taped it to the hull, and put it over the flame arrestors. Then when the water comes in it diverts it from the intakes.
Lastly...hull drainage. Duckbills or versa-plugs. It keeps water out of the hull so it doesnt bounce around.
Water ingestion is the ultimate enemy to any motor, but esp. the 951.