lmao, my going 'spim' is becoming famous, and on another thread i'm trying to talk the guy out of it hhahahahaa
but dammit, its GOOD advice ! and i won't stop preaching it, ever...except to those that can't handle the work involved.
matt, i bounced back to this thread to suggest that the xp might be priced a little low considering the factory pipe and buckshots, and you seem pretty dam handy, you might want to consider pulling both of those parts, replace with stock, and sell the excess.. all you have to do is rejet and do a quick water test.. if its too much trouble just to pocket a couple extra hundred, I certainly understand, i've done the same mental masturbation before, but one thing i've learned about selling ski's is that its very very hard to get value out of aftermarket parts, your lucky to get 30c on the dollar for them in my experience.
also lately... since I sell a LOT on CL, i've been spelling out part of my number 259-158one to avoid the txting spam's i've been getting... just a thought.. and i never put my full name, first name at best,
otherwise, i think you just want to move them along, those look like a good package for a fair price.