Florida Classifieds

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Very rare ski here. I think they are legal to run in the Sport class against the HX's and Blasters https://okaloosa.craigslist.org/boa/5878152034.html

They come up here every so often. I don't see why they would be illegal since they were the only direct competition for the HX back when they were new. BTW they only do 55 not 60mph so they are only slightly faster than an HX but the HX will still out corner it so they are pretty even.



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I've got that old magazine also, great stuff!

I'm ready to take on whatever you can back down now. I went wider before putting the second retention wall in. I'm no carpenter lol. I still need a floor though, looking for cheap ideas to hold the dirt.

The people ive been watching for 3 years trying to keep control of their ramp have failed miserably with that real small gravel, but its on top of red clay here. Their beach was nice and sandy, now its grey and ugly. What about concrete pavers? I dont know much about how sandy stuff likes to be held still
What I would do is lay down some landscaping paper..then put down your fist size gravel..after that you lay down 2x8's and embed them into gravel..after all that is done..make some trenches on the side of the boat launch to redirect water runoff..here is a picture of the idea I'm talking about.
That's like some ramps I use, but that's not wood it's concrete with stone in between. The blocks are roughly 6+ inches thick.
I think its time to trade services with someone that has done it before, you trim up his whole back yard or take a couple of nuiscance tree's out while he show's up with a crew to do it right so you won't be constantly tending it.

Is a permit required?

< excellent progress by the way
I think its time to trade services with someone that has done it before, you trim up his whole back yard or take a couple of nuiscance tree's out while he show's up with a crew to do it right so you won't be constantly tending it.

Is a permit required?

< excellent progress by the way
Permit, lol. I assume that was heavy in sarcasm.
actually no I was serious, I know when I re-did my driveway a permit was required if I did more than half IIRC, fortunately I was only doing the top 30% that got cracked from a runaway tree root.

So I assumed, gov't being what it is, that a permit might be required for a private boat ramp, and I also think Matt said that for a dock its required.

So, it was a legit question, might easier to get a permit before you are done than a year later.
actually no I was serious, I know when I re-did my driveway a permit was required if I did more than half IIRC, fortunately I was only doing the top 30% that got cracked from a runaway tree root.

So I assumed, gov't being what it is, that a permit might be required for a private boat ramp, and I also think Matt said that for a dock its required.

So, it was a legit question, might easier to get a permit before you are done than a year later.
Honestly I'd put it in and act like its been there for ever. Opening up a huge can of worms by trying to permit it. They might also say you cant do it then you will be on their radar
All of you are right. You know me well. If someone of authority found their feathers rustled at this point I would just be out a few boards and keeping a couple of the tree guys busy during slow times. As 1of5 say's it has always been the water access point, I just "improved" it a bit.

I'm pretty shelled out at this point so I'll just have to fill in the ruts as needed for a while. I'll be more comfortable doing a legit floor when she's a little more "grandfathered in" if you know what I mean. This time of year the water is so low that I can bring guys in with pitch forks and pull up the sticks and pine straw. That is what the area behind my house needs most to be fully usable.

As far as docks I looked it up and it's pretty open because my properties are on canals that were man made. The rules are much stricter in natural waterways. I feel comfortable making some nice places to get on and off the skis.
Whelp my offer was accepted on a lake house back in SC, so looks like it's crunch time getting the boat ready! Any of you local guys find a deal on a 787 w/ good engine to part out and don't want it, lemme know!

Matt, I'll probably be taking you up on that offer to help with the skis in the next few months or so. I laughed when people said kids will slow down my progress, now here I am 2 years later with 2 babies and I'm barely through fixing one of them. Pathetic
Congrats Dagre. Glad to hear you got the house you wanted but sorry to loose you in this area. I'll be available whenever you want to bring a ski this way.
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