i really like this one. i always wanted the r d pipe
Dude, you'll fix those super chickens up and ride the wee out of them. Like riding the short bus.......drunk.
I think they are both tandem sportsThose are tandem sports not the super chickens though right?
Lol, sure you won't.negative
But I do know they have a mini cult following.
been thinking about getting this for the trailer and parting the turds
Drop them off at my place, I can use them in the creekShit why tease me! I really wanted to dump those turds off in your driveway
I've searched it but didn't find anything. There are more in FL though.Been messing around with this new 'letgo' app, seeing a lot of skis on here that aren't on CL. I guess bc it's much more convenient. Saw this, price is high but had never heard of keyboard carbs