correctamundo, lol, and he probably just beat u to it, i was in garage couple a hrs, i missed out on it, -- lol
pulled it out after work tonight, took mostly every thing off of it, and its in the truck, finish at work this week, then im puttin a sbt motor in it, its only 40 miles away, lol. the jugs are bored at 82.750 now, and would probably have to spend around 500.00 on 2 jugs and pistons, so, the deal is a reman i guess - they come with raves and everything
sbt includes rave valves already cut, they have to with no fault warranty, even if u flip ski and suck water and it explodes, take it out and hand it to em, lol, one good thing, when i blew it up sunday, i didnt spill my drink:cheers:
i will fire up the bbq, and ice the beer down, are u comin over to help lift that heavy 800 back into the ski >>>>???
BTW, just bustin your chops on the temperature thing.