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96xp problems..

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New Member
hello all,i bought a 96 seadoo xp last summer ran great then i hit a snag.For about10-30 min of the first ride time it runs great no problem but after about that amount of time. if i go past 1/2 throttle it surges rpm.it will gain rpm then lose it.it does this pretty fast almost like it hitting a rev limiter but a little slower its hard to explain sorry.I have had the carbs off and cleaned them,i replaced the gray fuel lines, and i replaced the valve on the water box still does it can the vavle on the water box cause it to run bad?im asking because with the ski running water runs out of hte vavle were the lid snaps on and it pops the lid off.any help would be great.thanks
ive also changed the pluges and compression is about 148psi both cylinders
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I had the same problem with one of my spx's. After we rebuilt the carbs, changed the fuel lines and adjusted the carb it flies now.
idont think its a fuel related issue both plugs are cardboard brown to a little black so its not runnig lean.
Runs bad

Check the charging system voltage at the battery with a volt meter. If it is charging too high (15 volts or more) it will cause the engine to run bad at higher rpm"s. Run the ski on the hose, reving the engine while watching the volt meter. The meter should be reading between 13.5 to 14.5 volts
Check the charging system voltage at the battery with a volt meter. If it is charging too high (15 volts or more) it will cause the engine to run bad at higher rpm"s. Run the ski on the hose, reving the engine while watching the volt meter. The meter should be reading between 13.5 to 14.5 volts

i will check that thanks..i think it might be electrical because my gas gauge quit working today to..
I hope you find out what the issue is. Mine just started the same problem a couple of weeks ago. I was thinking it was electrical on mine, but after some reading, I am back to fuel system issue. I have a sputter in mine too. It does not do it rhythmically but it is noticeable. If I let mine sit for a few minutes, 5-10, it will run ok for about the same, then starts acting up again. That's what makes me wonder about electrical. But poor fuel flow could do the same.

Why did you replace the fuel lines? Something blocking or reducing flow? As short as they are you should be able to tell if they are clogged. Or is this a cracked and sucking air in kinda of thing.
I hope you find out what the issue is. Mine just started the same problem a couple of weeks ago. I was thinking it was electrical on mine, but after some reading, I am back to fuel system issue. I have a sputter in mine too. It does not do it rhythmically but it is noticeable. If I let mine sit for a few minutes, 5-10, it will run ok for about the same, then starts acting up again. That's what makes me wonder about electrical. But poor fuel flow could do the same.

Why did you replace the fuel lines? Something blocking or reducing flow? As short as they are you should be able to tell if they are clogged. Or is this a cracked and sucking air in kinda of thing.
i replaced the fuel lines because they rot away and plug the carbs.mine surges rhythmically.thats what idont get.
The engine rev is rhythmic in mine, but the miss is not.
Last nite I was reading over the RPM limiter, and it is suppose to kick in at 6500 +/- 100 RPMs. That is where mine dies and then comes back up to that and dies out again.

If yours making it to that point too?
The engine rev is rhythmic in mine, but the miss is not.
Last nite I was reading over the RPM limiter, and it is suppose to kick in at 6500 +/- 100 RPMs. That is where mine dies and then comes back up to that and dies out again.

If yours making it to that point too?

mine will go up to topr rpm then die down to around 6000rpm then back up ten down.
also i got my gas gauge working again,the magnet fell out of the float.I had it running on the hose,and i was looking at my hose's.When i stand at the back of the ski,the hose with the hose hook up is on the right side of the head and the hose coming from the jet pump is on the left,is this correct??Also the vent for the gas tank on the left side of the hull under the rub rail and the one under the consol were it close's.you can blow air inthem but air wont come out, meaning if the gas tank were to build pressure from vaper it gts locked in the tank.is this right also thank
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Fuel Tank

I read that the fuel system is suppose to pressurize. Someone please correct me if this is wrong or there is something else I am missing.

Thats intersting about the fuel gauge. Mine quit working too. I notice this yesterday (sunday)
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The Dealer says...

Today I talked to the dealer and explained ti them what was going on. He said change the filters in the carbs and the main filter.

Overall he was not very helpful, but I did get that out of him.
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Clean the filters

Cleaning the filters has REALLY help the way mine runs. Get you some cleaner or buy new ones. Give yourself about an hour to do it, If you can't get the screws out, don't keep trying and then strip the heads. Be sure to get you a paper towel and stick in the intake manifold holes to keep you from dropping stuff down into the motor.

Mine has three filters on it. So be sure to check all of yours.
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Listen, really, my 97 spx was going and stopping JUST LIKE a rev limiter. Over half throttle it would go for 2 seconds then stop for 2 seconds, consistent as if it was electrical that's exactly what I thought. We rebuilt the carbs and changed the gray fuel line and it runs as if it is new now, no problems at all.
Not sure if my issue is exactly like the others but here is what I've run into.
When I run my 96 GSX (150psi both sides) I run into issues in the 4000 RPM range. If I hold steady an RPM anywhere in the 4k range, it will shoot up 500-600 RPM for about 2 seconds every 30 seconds or so. If I'm in the 2, 3, 5, 6K range, nothing like that, just smooth, steady RPMs. Strange that it only happens in the 4K range, and no where else.
The simple fix is don't ride with it in the 4K range, but does anyone know of anything more permanent?
Sounds familiar

Everything I am reading now about this type of problem. Carbs and fuel lines.

It made a difference on mine.
I had a similar issue with my 95 GTX.. After rebuilding the carbs it still did the same thing.. Turns out it was the fuel select valve, I just by passed it and it runs great!!
Have you tried anything on it yet?

Just curious what you have found out.

ya i took the gas tank out checked out the pick up,checked the fuel selecter vavle ajusted the waterbox valve to spec it was way out..and i opend up the white box with all the electronics in it.every thing looked good,im going to take it out this weekend to see if its better,if its not im going to take the carbs off and rebuild them.
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