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951 hx build with 155mm pump swap

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Got the carbs f/a and pipe on gona jet pipe and run water lines tommorow and finish hooking all the stuff up to.fuel baffle

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It's nice to see it finally coming together hopefully it will be making smoke by the weekend

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Thats what im.shootn for,onlu thing im kinda iffy about ,was movn the black electrical box inside the grey box, a major CF inside the box and I hope I got all my wires correct, I'm pretty sure they are correct I just hope one doesn't come loose since its so jammed packed in there now

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Thats what im.shootn for,onlu thing im kinda iffy about ,was movn the black electrical box inside the grey box, a major CF inside the box and I hope I got all my wires correct, I'm pretty sure they are correct I just hope one doesn't come loose since its so jammed packed in there now

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Mine was the same way man jam packed

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I just hope one of those push in wire connectors didnt come loose when I put it all together it slid together without any force so I think it will be ok

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I just hope one of those push in wire connectors didnt come loose when I put it all together it slid together without any force so I think it will be ok

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Ya I hear u there I actually worried about the same thing

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why do you have these grey boxes? the 951 uses a black e-box and MPEM...?

I thought you'd swap all parts from a 951 ski?
The 951 and 787 hve similar timing and if you use a single coil ebox and stator, aling with a msd enhancer it will work perfectly on a 951, just have to set timing and looks waaaay nicer than a big black box and mpem siting wide open, grey box is sealed better and the inside of an hx hull is always wet if your a aggressive rider

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Dont look like much but I got my stinger tapped in and pipe jetted all the hose is ran to those and my pissers just need to get a few Y's to tie them in, if you notice my grey boxbis now shiny red im havn a buddy of mine that cuts my decals to make chrome MSD box stickers like the 6Al box pictured in 3rd pic should look pretty cool,its pourn @$$ im done for the day

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Its alive fired it up a few hours ago it ran like a top, just have a few odds and ends to finish up and shes ready for a test run,I cant waituploadfromtaptalk1397284430482.jpg

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Wow! That thing looks bad ass!! Good job man! Just in time for the season too. I went camping here in NC this weekend, and saw quite a few skis out. The stand up racers were out too, water's reaching the mid 50's here.
Shock and seatcover is the only.thing im missing ill eventually get a hydroturf or jettrim.cover but im kinda tapped out from the build alone so ill probabaly just recover a single color myself just for the time being,ill post pics of the complete ski, everything else is on and its turn key,I let it sit overnight bumped the primer. About a half pump and it fired right up and ran like a top,Ill post pics of m finished waterbox to

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Kinda hard to see but its all in and bolted up the inlet and outlets are orange ,I found out lastnight im misssing the upper shock bracket that bolts to the seat so I ordered one lastnight its ready to go other than that stupid bracket, I had plans going on first ride tommorow ,I might fab up a bracket just until that one comes in

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Kinda hard to see but its all in and bolted up the inlet and outlets are orange ,I found out lastnight im misssing the upper shock bracket that bolts to the seat so I ordered one lastnight its ready to go other than that stupid bracket, I had plans going on first ride tommorow ,I might fab up a bracket just until that one comes in

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Hood cowl, knee pads and upper shock mount and it is done,I fabbed up a shock mount mine should be here monday I want to take it for a test ride tommorow if weather is good

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First ride went great it was a blast to ride didnt ride much had a small water leak by the pump but easily fixable jist couldnt do it in the water, I have some video but dont know how to post them

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Oh yea sorry there was a small spot that I missed on the back wall where the pump shoe bolted thru I just used cabosil in resin and made it like a paste and filled in the small hole/crack whatever it was ,I put about 14 hours on that ski this summer ,just put it up for the winter,loved every second I was out there on it so far, ive had radar'd/gps speeds a little over the mid 60's and im still running stock timing,I still could advance the timing some,I might do that next year, the best way I can decrive how it ride is, the black hx has a 787 and is a consistent 59-60mph ski and it pulls it like its broke, I put some umi bars little things like that,but pretty much left it alone, I never got any more video
how much would you say this project would cost if I were to build it from scratch? I think this is the most amazing jet ski ever conceived. I would kill just to ride it. Would you say that the 951 is too heavy in there? Does it feel balanced?
Idoseadoo thanks for the comments it really is a head turner especially when it goes blazing by any newer gp, or ultra350 or yamaha supercharged skis, that think there's skis does 75mph because that's what the speedo says

I would say price all depends on how nice of a donor ski you have it defently needs to be a xpl, what I thought was a good 951 needing rings turned out $700 later after buying new oem crank and new top end, but at least I know what I have now, I ebayed the white pipe, Prok flame arrestors, fuel line, hydro turf, mpem with msd enhancer came from a member around $300 I think I paid for it, paint and bars it's the little stuff that adds up,resin fiberglass matte, I don't like keeping recipes because it's just a hobby and toy for me and if its fun it's worth every penny I spent on it but a close ballpark, I would say $4000, that's with me doing all the labor, price of HX hull, and XPL donor ski, everything.

It is well balanced I switched the battery and grey box over battery is on the right now to offset some of the pipe weight,it takes a full tank of gas of riding to get used to how it handles with the extra weight of course I did rip out all the foam also, I think it handles better with the extra weight I moved the motor back 2 inches to make the weight more center, and the sponsons are a must, especially for me at 155ish lbs, I did a 3/4 carbon fiber drop blade but this winter Im redoing the entire setup they will be 1 1/4in twice as thick and shaped a little differant, I think the 951 is only 30lbs heavier than 787 so it's not a major difference,

In the summer if you ever make it to biloxi,ms hit me up ill let you take it for a spin were out there every weekend rain or shine as long as it over 70 degrees lol, I'm hear to warn you tho once you ride it, you will never want to get on a stock HX again
I've actually never even ridden an HX, but now feel that I should be on the lookout for one. The X4's are great and all, but I feel that this is an even more raw experience. How much fuel can you put in it and how long does it last you? Does it dolphin a lot when you're just cruising?
Once the trim gets setup correctly it doesnt dolphin at all anf when I first put it tigether and had no idea how it was gona ride it would only hop on wot runs, just for normal riding the twist trim is on -1 unlike the 787 is at a +3, I guess its all in your riding style hx has a 7 gallon gas tank, and if you jist cruise it does last a goos while ive done a 14 mile round trip just cruising and had matbe 1/4 tank of gas left, but also ive practiced on buoys at wot and burned an entire tank in about 2 hours on and off, a little course we setup,
And I always tell my friends thst want to try it out thst have never ridden on, to go out in about knee deep water and jump on it and just try to balance it first with motor off ,once you get that down, time for a run
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