Hey guys, more parts on the way and did some minor paint work today, nothing much but figured id share.
I wanted to also ask if I should consider ditching the oem oil pump? I planned on raising the rev limiter and am looking at water injection as well and with that being said wasn't sure at what point I need to go straight to pre-mix to avoid any issues. I know despite the limiter the engine will only turn what it turns but per pipe recommendation wanted to increase the limiter to get the most out of the setup. I plan to run the stock carbs, maybe add a high flow fuel pump if needed.
If i do ditch the oil pump and switch to premix its not the worst thing because I can switch the oil pump over to the GTX and put that back on a standard setup and save myself a few bucks buying a pump for that ski.
I will start working on my hood tomorrow. I have a single gauge hood that will be stripped, sanded and painted & then vinyl wrapped. I know its probably more work than usual to just cover up the paint with vinyl but I wanted the option of both and also wanted to get rid of the black top and teal bottom of it. I am kind of OCD like that lol.
Anywho here are some pics. I really love this paint. Everything is super smooth and the color really pops. I am still considering a different color since its a yellow ski but I kind of like the gold+black+carbon fiber approach so we shall see! I know the purple reeallly pops but I have always been a sucker for gold and black. I may even wrap some of these pieces still but cant decide until the new steering setup arrives and is installed
Paint used
-adhesion promoter
-metal etching primer
-duplicolor metal cast base
-duplicolor metal cast yellow
*Note if what you are painting is not 100% shiny and smooth it will show by just using the adhesion promoter and color. Even small machining marks show but still looks really smooth. If you are doing something with scratches etc I would use a metal etching primer, then base coat, then color, then clear. I used this method for the umi throttle and it masked some very small knicks/scratches.