RESTO 95 xp800

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This thing came hard jetted from the PO, I'm debating going back. to stock, meaning stock.


I'm a fan of hard jetting. The ski rips out of the hole. It's a common mod in the GPR world and even 4 strokes guys today utilize it.

Just be aware to keep the lines free of debris so you don't overheat the waterbox and hoses.
I'm a fan of hard jetting. The ski rips out of the hole. It's a common mod in the GPR world and even 4 strokes guys today utilize it.

Just be aware to keep the lines free of debris so you don't overheat the waterbox and hoses.

I'm somewhat on the fence..

I've got the parts to go back, I've got a 96 xp that is sitting and waiting its turn for a rebuild that I can play with (and will!) This ski came with the jets and an inline strainer, so, meh.. guess I'll just see what my mood is. Parts are parts.
I'm a fan of hard jetting. The ski rips out of the hole. It's a common mod in the GPR world and even 4 strokes guys today utilize it.

Just be aware to keep the lines free of debris so you don't overheat the waterbox and hoses.

uhhhh yeah that ski really rips! That weird transition that seems to effect all RAVE type skis I've ridden this one doesn't have. That ski rides like every ski should. :)
It is 'stock' other than sponsons, milled stock head, F/A and jetting, and hard jetted waterbox. I can't leave ANYTHING 100% stock. Unmolested? Absolutely.

Haha, I'm with ya there. I call my ski "stock" since the motor is still stock

OP - Nice ski, its coming along great
I've put it off long enough.. time to tackle the clearcoat.
It flakes right off when scraping it with a putty knife, but it's only going to take forever. I began by scraping a section off, and do a quick polish to get the color back. Then I'll scrape off any small bits I missed, hit it with a polisher again. Eventually, the coat will be off and I can get down to actually shining it up.. might happen sometime this century.
not looking too terrible considering how it looked when I brought it home
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Have you tried the spray on aerosol paint stripper a few of the guys have been using here on the forum lately? One guy used it on an HX somebody painted black and it looks great now.
Have you tried the spray on aerosol paint stripper a few of the guys have been using here on the forum lately? One guy used it on an HX somebody painted black and it looks great now.

While that may work out a okeydokey, and actually take less time, I'm just really not a fan of using chemical paint strippers or harsh solvents when it's not absolutely necessary. I just cannot stand breathing that stuff (and with my father getting ready to pass away at any moment from lung cancer, hating that stuff is really embedded that into my brain lately.)
I did kick the idea around, though..
I haven't really had much time over the summer to work on the ski, so progress has been really slow. I have nearly gotten all of the clear coat off of the ski (Acetone is doing the trick, but still extremely slow) and spent 5 hours stripping off the clear from the hood... for whatever reason, they had painted the hood as well. And this wasn't rattle can junk, so it was painful to strip.
But, underneath, was a nearly mint hood.. which made my day for sure.

front left, still needs a bit more wet sanding and buffing, but it's coming out well


I still cant believe the hood was in such good condition


there is one little sport in the lower left.. cant see it in this pic


in the process of stripping the clear off of the right side. The dark spots are where there's still clear coat.

Overall, this ski is becoming a -very- pleasant surprise.. it's cleaning up and polishing out so much better than I was anticipating.
Thanks for the kudos, I appreciate it!

Because I easily get distracted by shiny things, and polishing this thing has gotten on my nerves, I've been gathering and cleaning parts for reassembly. I'm also wanting to do a few tasteful upgrades, little things that mainly, only someone in the know would eye.
For instance, I have use l new raised BRP emblems instead of buying a correct Bombardier. I also am going to use a black/yellow or yellow/yellow handlebar pad from a later model, since I've got several of them in mint condition.
I am stuck on the VTS gauge, though. The one that came with the ski was junk.. and after looking through all of my parts, the nicest one I've got (sucker is minty) is from a 99 XPL.. and I think I like it better. Only problem is the wiring isn't exactly the same. Anyone have any tips on the wiring of this thing, if it's possible? There's an extra wire or two.
The bottom of this hull isn't getting any better, not without recoating anyways. The scratches are all superficial, nothing to the glass.. there's one gouge that I am going to fill, the rest of it will just have to do (at this moment, anyways)

It's actually a lot shinier than it looks in the photos, and the pink came out OK.. nothing spectacular. The most important part is now the bottom is basically done, I can start put the intake grate back on, sit it back on the dolly, and start putting the guts back in it.
Did you wet sand the bottom? Racerxxx had a pretty good write up on his 95 restore. bottom turned out great

I did a bit, the sides above the waterline are much, much better.. but the scratches at the keel and intake are too deep for that..

My wife already thinks I've lost my marbles polishing the bottom of the ski anyways.. the conversation went something like:

"Why are you polishing part of that yellow thing that is in the water?"
"Because when you're trying to make something really nice, you do that kind of thing. After all, this particular ski is like the 1969 Z/28 Camaro.. it's unique, there's not many of them, and it was a game changer in the industry!"

To which she rolled her eyes, shook her head, and smiled at me like I should be wearing a helmet...

By the way, she can't stand yellow jet skis, and Camaros.
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Oh, by the way.. the lacquer thinner cleaning up baked rub rails.. I am completely astonished at how those turds are turning out.
I've been spending some real time on this thing lately, and am to the point of just bolting everything back together. It took 4 gallons of acetone to tackle the clear coat and rub rails. I have probably 15 hours of polishing on top of that.
Forgive the garage pigsty, I need this thing out of here bad lol
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