2000 Seadoo XPL 951cc

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New Member
I recentlty installed aftermarket Prok flame arrestors on my 951cc, was this a bad idea? I took the ski out a few days ago and it was bogging through out the run. Low and high end. Would be riding at 40mph and would bog, at idle its fine. When i punch it (bogs again), do I need to adjust the jetting and or buy a new jetting kit? is this even the problem, if so what should be the settings with aftermarket flame arrestors? Thanks in advance for the incite!

The standard flame arrestor that you were running, creates a given amount of resistance (vacuum) on the carbs. So if you change that, and there is less, or more, then you've changed the fuel/air ratio on the engine and will either have to adjust your low speed screw or re-jet the carbs.
O.K......by the way, your XPL is listed as a 1999, not a 2000.
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