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Seadoo Spx suddenly running rich


New Member
Good afternoon everyone. I have a unusual issue with my 1997 Seadoo Spx 787. I took it out today and it ran normally for awhile until it would randomly cut power/bog down to a rough idle. I tried to pull the choke while it was bogging and it would kill it. This issue then proceeded to get worse. I also noticed that I could see and smell the fuel alot more than typical. I changed the plugs with no luck aswell ans could not visually see any anomalies. Any ideas what could cause it to suddenly start running rich? Things I could check? Maybe a clylinder is going down? Thanks for the assistance!

Insight om resent work:
-Carbs rebuilt April 2024(genuine parts)
-Carbs set to 1-1/4 L, 0 H
- Pop off at time of rebuild was within range
- Clylinder compression was 160 both Clylinders as off July 2024
-Fuel used is 92 Ethanol free
- rave valve recently replaced and water regulator recently replaced.
Did it run well post carb rebuild? How many hours approximately did you put on it since April?

May not be it, but it's easy to check... try disconnecting the rectifier (red wire). If the rectifier is failing it can make it misfire, so then you'd be spitting gas out the exhaust exactly as described. When they first start failing they usually do it when hot.

You can run it without rectifier for about 30-60m before the battery goes dead. Leave the yellow wires connected, just disconnect the red.

On my 96 GTX the rectifier is in the front electrical box.

It didn't run well initially, but I didn't have the carbs set right. Once I turned them properly everything worked great. Hard to say how many hours as my ski doesn't have any way to track, though I'd say less than 15hrs for sure. I tested compression again(cold) got 135 both cylinders and have gotten as far into the carb as taking off the flame resister and it was noticeably wet with fuel. I'll check that wire and see if I can notice anything. Thanks