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1996 Speedster Restoration

One down one to go.

I like the cockpit layout of the 97 boats better with the rearward facing spotter's seat rather than the 96 open layout, but I DO like the twin carb 720 engines.

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If looks could kill.

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All cleaned, painted and ready to install. I even verified the oil injection. Too bad it can't be installed assembled as one of the lower Rotax cover bolts is hidden by the oil injector and the carbs block the upper intake manifold-to-Rotax cover bolts. Can't wait to do the other engine and see it this thing doesn't smoke at idle. It better not.
With those new air filters did you have to replace any jets in the carbs at all or were you able to tune with stock parts, those things look awesome btw
Back on the Speedster. Fuel Baffle is ready to install and I'll make sure all of the fuel and oil lines are run correctly. Right now I'm prepping the engines. I had (3) 717s built and ready to go but only one engine had a dual carb manifold installed so I gotta use one of the removed engines. I like neat and pretty so It is taking me extra time to clean and paint the parts. Even painting up the oil pump before install. :) Boy O Boy these engines in South Louisiana can be difficult to disassemble. Got the exhaust manifold removed, cleaned drilled the crap out of the bolt holes and painted her up. Intake is almost ready for install. Gonna feel good when I drop these two in the hull and line them up.

I thought purple might break up the bland white and give the interior a little panache'. :)

8-23 Manifold Painting (2).JPG

Intake manifold looking better.

8-23 Manifold Painting (8).JPG

Gonna look pretty when it gets in there. Ha ha.

Speedster 717 Engine assemble (2).JPG

Prepping oil pump for paint. She's drying. Assemble tomorrow. Then on to Engine Number 2.

8-23 Manifold Painting (5).JPG
Back on the Speedster. Fuel Baffle is ready to install and I'll make sure all of the fuel and oil lines are run correctly. Right now I'm prepping the engines. I had (3) 717s built and ready to go but only one engine had a dual carb manifold installed so I gotta use one of the removed engines. I like neat and pretty so It is taking me extra time to clean and paint the parts. Even painting up the oil pump before install. :) Boy O Boy these engines in South Louisiana can be difficult to disassemble. Got the exhaust manifold removed, cleaned drilled the crap out of the bolt holes and painted her up. Intake is almost ready for install. Gonna feel good when I drop these two in the hull and line them up.

I thought purple might break up the bland white and give the interior a little panache'. :)

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Intake manifold looking better.

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Gonna look pretty when it gets in there. Ha ha.

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Prepping oil pump for paint. She's drying. Assemble tomorrow. Then on to Engine Number 2.

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Looking good👍
I'm using epoxy black paint for the carbs and epoxy white for what engine disassembly I'm doing (intake, rotary valve cover, etc.).

Nothing beats a clean engine compartment and a fresh looking engine or engines.

I found a purple engine paint some while ago that sort of matches the factory color for the exhaust system. The exhaust system seems to take a beating on these boats.
There was an exact match for the purple but they stopped making it or supplying it. Now I do what I can. I find that Rustoleum Antique White does a pretty good job of matching the engine but I mostly paint the whole thing so it doesn't matter. I just want paint on there to stop corrosion. I also like it to look really nice. :)
I'm gonna finish up the 2nd engine tomorrow. If I could stay focused but I started taking the old engines apart, broke bolts and saved some things... cleaned and prepped others. I think I got a good bottom end so I'll do a top end and have a great engine to install in a jet ski. So many projects everywhere. Ha ha but I have a good time with it all.
Awe man I thought the second engine just needed me to paint the exhaust manifold and it would be ready. LOL I knew I'd be going deep when I noticed the engine was not fully painted (that meant I didn't do the bottom end for some reason) It checked out fine with good compression but I wanted to go further into it to make sure everything was AOK. I pulled the mag flywheel and had a look at the coils and seal. All Good. I saw a mark on a piston and though I had 145psi I wanted to take a look so I pulled the cylinders. Those head bolts were protesting as usual on south Louisiana/Mississippi jet skis but I was able to remove them with breaking anything. Everything looked really good, cylinder measurements AOK, ring gap excellent. Glad I took it apart. Gonna clean the water jackets, new gaskets, and a good paint job. If anyone has problems the engine will come apart easily now. :D

This is gonna be nice when I get R done!!
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This is an awesome resto!!
Cleaning this engine for assembly an paint is kickin mah azz. :) I have a 25' X 30' slab behind my shop and the iron to add the end truss. I just need a hand with it. LOL I told my wife today, "If I had that shop extension enclosed it's take me about 15 seconds to order a vapor blaster." LOL Take me forever to get these things cleaned up like I like them. I don't have any finger prints on the right thumb but at least all my skin is still in place. Ha ha. I had to paint one of the head covers purple. It's a spare. That's why it takes me so long.... I do extra stuff. LOL

Check out those head bolts. Typical South Louisiana. I'm glad they all came out without breaking anything. They all purty now and ready to install.


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Whew... well it is back together and looking pretty. Paint is drying and both engines will now match. :D Just gotta prime the oil system on this one and she'll be ready to install. Onto the carbs next then I'll plan on installing the engines.

QUESTION - Should I put the exhaust on the engine before I put it in the boat or after? Which engine is best to install first? PORT or STARBOARD? I don't want to reach over more than I have to. Help/advice is appreciated.

Speedster 717 Painted 9-23 (9).JPG


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    Speedster 717 Painted 9-23 (6).JPG
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Whew... well it is back together and looking pretty. Paint is drying and both engines will now match. :D Just gotta prime the oil system on this one and she'll be ready to install. Onto the carbs next then I'll plan on installing the engines.

QUESTION - Should I put the exhaust on the engine before I put it in the boat or after? Which engine is best to install first? PORT or STARBOARD? I don't want to reach over more than I have to. Help/advice is appreciated.

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Yeah man! Those are going to look sick inside the engine bay!

These boats are turning into more of a classic and doing restores like this really catches some attention. Then you pop the hood and show a clean engine bay and that's just quality!

Yeah they're used for fun, but that doesn't mean to let everything get greasy and disgusting. I've seen engine bays that are a total nightmare. I'm baffled they run! I couldn't imagine working on an engine with grime, grease, water, bolts, leaves and sticks all over. I don't understand how anyone could be ok with that lol

But this is quality work I can't wait to see it all put back together!
Yeah man! Those are going to look sick inside the engine bay!

These boats are turning into more of a classic and doing restores like this really catches some attention. Then you pop the hood and show a clean engine bay and that's just quality!

Yeah they're used for fun, but that doesn't mean to let everything get greasy and disgusting. I've seen engine bays that are a total nightmare. I'm baffled they run! I couldn't imagine working on an engine with grime, grease, water, bolts, leaves and sticks all over. I don't understand how anyone could be ok with that lol

But this is quality work I can't wait to see it all put back together!
I second that, beautiful work. Definitely pride in his work.
Awe shucks.. :) Thanks foar the compliments. I've cleaned the blige 3 times and I'm going to clean it once more before I install the hoses and engines. I see pictures here that make me want to PAINT or coat the bilge but the more I look at it... I think I can live with it AS IS. LOL I will definitely keep it clean, neat, and tidy. LOL I agree.... I never want to reach into and engine and get grease or dirty on my hands. Unacceptable. Also... If I don't paint these parts they corrode quickly and look like junk. Such is life in South Louisina. :)

Thanks for all the support for sure.

The bilge isn't TOO bad but that a lot of hours and work for sure. You come a long way baby !! :)

Speedster Clean up 6-21-23 (10).JPG

Engine Removal 6-20-23 (9).JPG
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I started digging for starters to rebuild and I found 6 in my pile. 4 starters are OEM and spun up as they should. New brushes, clean up, some light grease in the right places, paint, and they'll be ready to install. These are the last things on the engines before I drop them in. I can't wait to clear some space in my shop. Ha ha. It's like a double WIN !! :D

I'm not sure if I'm gonna try to remove all this purpule turff on the boat. I guess someone put it there for better traction when climbing over the trunk.

1996 Speedster Boat Trunk Mats.jpg
Muhaahaahaaa !!! They are ready now !! I'll be working on the install but I have a few items I want to take care of first.

Speedster Engines  Done (2).JPG
EDIT : I got this apart. the back unscrews but I still can't get to the pins like I want. I can't push them through further and I can't pull them back out...not that I want to but I need to tighten a couple up. I'll take a good look. What I found was (my port engine was not getting fire. When I pulled this plug I'm question whether or not the pins were making good contact. They may well have been.

When I push on these FEMAL pins they go further into the plug. Not sure how to tighten them up and don't want to break anything. I bought a spare MPEM that I plan on swapping out complete. I noticed a couple of the male pins had slid back in the plug but when I tugged on them gently with pair of pliers they snapped back into position.

Question: is there anyone that can test these MPEMs ?? I want to see if this one is good. I suspect the rev limiter is bad on the port engine. Help is appreciated.

MPEM ECM Female Plug Speedster (3).JPG

Electrical Plug MPEM (1).JPG

1996 Speedster Genes MPEM (14).JPG

Electrical Plug MPEM (3).JPG
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Boy O Boy I thought I was gonna drop these engines in and align them easy peasy. LOL Looks like I gotta pick them up and move the engine on the carrier left and right. Might have to shim. The dang jet pump mount and block are sure not in alignment... shaft isn't anywhere near the center. I'll do a lot more checking because I like the alignment SPOT ON and it's gonna be. :)

I sure took the long way around with this MPEM I bought. I pulled everything off the box with the good mpem and installed it in the box with the good MPEM. Probably would have been better if I had just swapped the MPEM. LOL I did test the solenoids and the MPEM is installed in the boat. Of course I'll have to program the key and all that. I sure hope this MPEM works as I'd like to keep everything stock. It should start coming together in a few weeks. I have a lot of irons in the fire. LOL Touchdowns everyone !!!
DAY YUM !!! I dropped the engines in place and they are so far out of alignment it is unbelievable !! I wonder if the engine mounting plates are "different" for the boats than for the Jet Skis. Doesn't look like it to me but I'm gonna check thoroughly. Never had an issue like this with the skis. When I pulled the engines at no point did I remove the mount pads from the hul. So the engines are in the same position as they were. Starboard engine has to be lifted about 1/4" just to begin, both engines are WAY to far to the right side of the boat.

When I install the alignment tool on the port engine the shaft is way left of center on the through hole. I even checked to make sure I don't have issues with my alignment tool This is gonna be a flat pain in the azz.
DAY YUM !!! I dropped the engines in place and they are so far out of alignment it is unbelievable !! I wonder if the engine mounting plates are "different" for the boats than for the Jet Skis. Doesn't look like it to me but I'm gonna check thoroughly. Never had an issue like this with the skis. When I pulled the engines at no point did I remove the mount pads from the hul. So the engines are in the same position as they were. Starboard engine has to be lifted about 1/4" just to begin, both engines are WAY to far to the right side of the boat.

When I install the alignment tool on the port engine the shaft is way left of center on the through hole. I even checked to make sure I don't have issues with my alignment tool This is gonna be a flat pain in the azz.
That sucks, I hope it's close enough you can move the mounts to align it. Even the ski I just got, with the engine as is form the factory, was misaligned by 1/4 inch lol

Can't wait to see those engines in place!
maybe where the jetpump mounts to the transom has been damaged? this is also where you mount the plate for the alignment tool and a damaged transom would throw out the ability to use that to align?
maybe where the jetpump mounts to the transom has been damaged? this is also where you mount the plate for the alignment tool and a damaged transom would throw out the ability to use that to align?
Both Engines and I checked the jet pump bracket and there are no deformations. I'm not sure these engines are as lined up as we give the factory credit. I've found more than one ski with the original engine that the alignment was way off.

I won't have any trouble getting a proper "End Result" but it is going to take some serious effort. I have to pull th engines and likely modify make some enhancements on the bases.
OK, Weather finally warmed up so I pulled out the Speedster. I knew it would be a bitch but not too bad. I had to remove the engine carrier and slot the holes so I could move the engine over. What pain. In and out and in and out to get the position in the carrier correct and I had to make some nice think elongated washers. Port engine is in there and lined up spot on. The thing I don't like is the drive shaft is no where near the center of the hole in the hull. Pitiful manufacturing. The starboard is closer to the middle but the motor is WAY off vertically so I'm gonna be making some thick shims. Once I get these alignments done I'll consider that an accomplishment and move forward with the jet pumps and carbs.
Removing the engines, elongating the holes in the mounting place, making washers wasn't as time consuming as I thought it would be. Installing and removing the engines was a good work out. :D Looking at this pitiful alignment... WOW !!! I'll be starting on the jet pumps next and upon further review I think I'll start on the carbs before I install the exhaust. Then again I might do the carbs first because I'm curious about the engines and the MPEM. We'll see. :) I love bringing old stuff back to life. :D Touchdowns everyone !!

Isn't this lovely??

SpeedsterAlignment   (2).JPEG

Much better. :D

SpeedsterAlignment   (6).JPEG

Die Grinder got the job done but I needed to modify some thick washers to hold it in place securely.

SpeedsterAlignment   (3).JPEG

Jammed up and jelly tight. :D

SpeedsterAlignment   (5).JPEG

I'm thinking I should mount the exhaust last so I'll have room to install the carbs and oil lines.

SpeedsterAlignment   (1).JPEG
Removing the engines, elongating the holes in the mounting place, making washers wasn't as time consuming as I thought it would be. Installing and removing the engines was a good work out. :D Looking at this pitiful alignment... WOW !!! I'll be starting on the exhaust systems and jet pumps next. I think I'll save the carbs for last buy you never know. Running the engines first might become a priority. :) You always wonder. Ha ha. Touchdowns everyone !!

Isn't this lovely??

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Much better. :D

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Die Grinder got the job done but I needed to modify some thick washers to hold it in place securely.

View attachment 64911

Jammed up and jelly tight. :D

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I'm thinking I should mount the exhaust last so I'll have room to install the carbs and oil lines.

View attachment 64913
Can’t wait to see it on the water, I’m not fully understanding what all you had to do to align those engines but it sounds like you had to do some major shimming. Really makes me think about hull warpage and how that affects the alignment